Cannot convert string value 'LONDON' to an enum value of type 'org.web3j.solidity.gradle.plugin.EVMVersion' (valid case insensitive values: HOMESTEAD, TANGERINE_WHISTLE, SPURIOUS_DRAGON, BYZANTIUM, CONSTANTINOPLE, PETERSBURG, ISTANBUL)
Please, would it be possible to update the code, so it will be able to use new EVMs?
Cannot use new EVM versions
I am trying to set up EVM to the latest version: London I use solc compiler on my machine
I am getting en error
Cannot convert string value 'LONDON' to an enum value of type 'org.web3j.solidity.gradle.plugin.EVMVersion' (valid case insensitive values: HOMESTEAD, TANGERINE_WHISTLE, SPURIOUS_DRAGON, BYZANTIUM, CONSTANTINOPLE, PETERSBURG, ISTANBUL)
Please, would it be possible to update the code, so it will be able to use new EVMs?
or could you please advise a workaround?
thank you very much tomas