hyperledger / aries-agent-test-harness

Aries agent test framework, with agent backchannel support
Apache License 2.0
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Add tests for Peer DID Interoperability to AATH to enable a Community Coordinate Update to Qualified DIDs #752

Open swcurran opened 7 months ago

swcurran commented 7 months ago

The Aries Frameworks are trying to converge on the elimination of unqualified peer DIDs, and their replacement with support for various forms of did:peer DIDs. In this context "peer DIDs" means DIDs used for DIDComm messaging, exchanged by agents when they establish a DIDComm connection (via "Connections" or OOB/DID Exchange protocols). "did:peer" are DIDs defined by according to the did:peer specification.

Unqualified DIDs go back to the early days of Aries and the "did:sov" method of defining peer DIDs. An agent, sends to the other agent a "DID" without a did:XXXX prefix (hence, unqualified) and a DID Doc. In order to eliminate that, we want to go through a community coordinated update (described in RFC 0793 unqualified DID transition) that begins with all Aries frameworks sending out unqualified DIDs, but accepting both unqualified and various qualified did:peer DIDs (notably, did:peer:1, did:peer:2 and did:peer:4) and later switching to sending out only qualified DIDs. Currently, all of the Aries Frameworks are being updated up to both accept and send out all types of peer DIDs.

"Accepting" in this case means properly handling a peer DID of a given type sent to it in initiating a connection, and responding by using that DID in completing the connection establishment. So, if the invitation or request are the first messages in establishing a connection, and they contain a given DID type, the recipient of the invitation or request should respond using the same peer DID type.

The testing we would like is:

This task is to create the set of tests, and define how the tests will get run -- e.g. how to on the fly change Acme to initiate connections with the required type of peer DID.

swcurran commented 7 months ago

@TelegramSam @dbluhm -- please take a look at this definition. Look correct?

@nodlesh -- please review and lets get together to discuss this.