hyperledger / aries-agent-test-harness

Aries agent test framework, with agent backchannel support
Apache License 2.0
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Calibrate qualified peer did tests to acapy PR 2862 #795

Closed nodlesh closed 4 months ago

nodlesh commented 4 months ago

This PR accounts for the ACA-Py qualified peer did updates made in PR 2862, https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/2862

The biggest change here is that we no longer need to restart the agents with different did peer methods as a command line option. Peer did method is now on the API calls themselves. I'm leaving in the code that restarts agents just in case other frameworks require a restart to work with a new peer did method.

Note that test T003-RFC0793 will fail until ACA-Py PR 2891 is merged. https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/2891

nodlesh commented 4 months ago

Besides the last test in this suite waiting for 2891, all the OOB tests are failing and waiting on ACA-Py PR 2897. https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python/pull/2897
If there are more failures than that, then let me know. I am seeing some new didcmmm transport tests failing in last nights run, so I'll investigate that this morning.

swcurran commented 4 months ago

Thanks @nodlesh -- oob pr merged. Can you manually trigger another run of AATH? I'm not sure how to do that in the Actions interface?

nodlesh commented 4 months ago

Done. Running the acapy-acapy runset.