As the BC Gov VON Team has been refining Indy Catalyst (a Verifiable Credential Registry) and making it work with Aries protocols for both the Issuer and the Holder/Prover/Credential Registry, we've realized that the Indy moniker is probably not appropriate. For the same reason that "Indy Agents" have become "Aries Agents", we think it is more appropriate to have the Credential Registry moved from the Indy project to the Aries Project. As such, we are proposing to use the name "Aries Verifiable Credential Registry" (Aries VCR) in place of Indy Catalyst.
This ticket is a request for community approval to create the aries-verifiable-credential-registry repo as part of the Aries project to house the product formerly known as Indy Catalyst.
As the BC Gov VON Team has been refining Indy Catalyst (a Verifiable Credential Registry) and making it work with Aries protocols for both the Issuer and the Holder/Prover/Credential Registry, we've realized that the Indy moniker is probably not appropriate. For the same reason that "Indy Agents" have become "Aries Agents", we think it is more appropriate to have the Credential Registry moved from the Indy project to the Aries Project. As such, we are proposing to use the name "Aries Verifiable Credential Registry" (Aries VCR) in place of Indy Catalyst.
This ticket is a request for community approval to create the aries-verifiable-credential-registry repo as part of the Aries project to house the product formerly known as Indy Catalyst.