hyperledger / cacti

Hyperledger Cacti is a new approach to the blockchain interoperability problem
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Implement POC for supporting drafts #3116

Open RafaelAPB opened 3 months ago

RafaelAPB commented 3 months ago

There are drafts that will need to be implemented for our solution to work properly. Those are 1) draft-zhang-satp-network-identification-00 and draft-avrilionis-satp-asset-schema-architecture-00. The first provides a way to identify different networks such that gateways can reason about the same locations. Akin to chainlist, but also for private blockchains and even centralized systems. The second draft concerns itself with the identification and characterization of an asset, so gateways can refer to exactly the same asset prior to the transfer process.

Requirements: 1 - Create simple POC for network identification. Support Ethereum mainnet, private Hyperledger Besu networks, and private Hyperledger Fabric networks (the ones used in our work for testing purposes).

2 - Create simple POC for asset schema / asset profiles. Define asset profiles for a test token in Fabric, a test token in Ethereum, Bitcoin, and support for most popular ERC20 tokens (ETH, USDC, USDT)

LordKubaya commented 3 months ago
