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build(api-client): generate java, go clients #393

Open petermetz opened 3 years ago

petermetz commented 3 years ago


As a developer I want to not be forced to use the NodeJS/Javascript API client if my primary programming language is something else so that I can achieve high productivity through Cactus no matter the language I'm using.

Here is a complete list of programming languages that are supported by the OpenAPI generator (which we can take full advantage of since we are using the OpenAPI specs) https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/tree/master/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/java/org/openapitools/codegen/languages

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Clients for Java and Go are generated as part of the full build
  2. Dev builds only build the Typescript API client to remain as fast as possible
  3. Publishing of the Java and Go API clients is included in the release process => if I run the release scripts the full build runs and the Java, Go clients are published/made available for public consumption the same way we do with the Typescript API client (it gets published to npm)
  4. Client side routing is supported by the Go/Java API clients as well.

cc: @takeutak @sfuji822 @jonathan-m-hamilton

petermetz commented 3 years ago

This blew up in complexity because the oneOf allOf keywords are not universally supported among the different OpenAPI generators the way they are for the typescript-axios generator so it's not immediately obvious how to migrate away from these unsupported keywords. The other option is to wait for them to add support (or help them implement it) so that we can just go back to a much lower complexity in the scope of this issue once those generators "just work" out of the box.

jagpreetsinghsasan commented 9 months ago

For the Go artifacts, publishing the api-client code (as a commit to cacti github code) itself will act as the artifact, right? Then we can import it something like import cactus-cmd-api-server "github.com/hyperledger/cacti/packages/cactus-cmd-api-server/src/main/go/generated/openapi/go-client" @petermetz is this fine?

jagpreetsinghsasan commented 9 months ago

The kotlin jar generation is broken, mostly due to openapi-generator upgrade, will fix those alongwith this issue.

petermetz commented 9 months ago

For the Go artifacts, publishing the api-client code (as a commit to cacti github code) itself will act as the artifact, right? Then we can import it something like import cactus-cmd-api-server "github.com/hyperledger/cacti/packages/cactus-cmd-api-server/src/main/go/generated/openapi/go-client" @petermetz is this fine?

@jagpreetsinghsasan Yes, works fine for me. Please open a follow-up issue there to mimic how it is being done for the weaver components (@sandeepnRES wrote some scripts or GH actions to do tag based releases IIRC)

jagpreetsinghsasan commented 5 months ago

One of the issues I faced during generating java artifacts was that in cactus-core-api openapi specs, we have a field within JWSRecipient termed protected which matches with the Java protected keyword, thus the generated code cannot produce the respective client JAR (I will create an issue to address the same, mentioning it for future reference)

jagpreetsinghsasan commented 5 months ago

Openapi specs image

Generated code (throwing errors) image

jagpreetsinghsasan commented 5 months ago

JAR parsing for cactus-plugin-htlc-eth-besu, cactuls-plugin-htlc-eth-besu-erc20, connector-besu, connector-ethereum, connector-quorum, connector-xdai fails due to invalid Java code being generated image

Other devs are also facing the same issue: https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/12556#issuecomment-1702264876

jagpreetsinghsasan commented 5 months ago

connector-iroha , connector-iroha2 faces yet another bug related to openapi codegen (<, > signs arent rendered correctly) https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/11601


jagpreetsinghsasan commented 2 weeks ago

As per the conversation here, dropping the java clients from the issue (as the same is already achieved using Kotlin)

petermetz commented 2 weeks ago

As per the conversation here, dropping the java clients from the issue (as the same is already achieved using Kotlin)

@jagpreetsinghsasan Thank you!