hyperledger / caliper-benchmarks

Sample benchmark files for Hyperledger Caliper https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/caliper
Apache License 2.0
113 stars 120 forks source link

Ethereum Existing Blockchain Nonce Issue #82

Open ahsansalaldaha opened 4 years ago

ahsansalaldaha commented 4 years ago

Hey, I am trying to run ethereum benchmarks on my existing blockchain so far I have come across multiple error including

Please note that I was able to run the existing sample benchmark flawlessly but for actual benchmark of my existing contract I have to use oraclize and as its running fine using web3 and metamask I just want to get performance indicators of my existing setup also right now i am not concerned with the gas estimate or cost i just want to have a benchmark on performance not the gas price used.

I have been stuck in this issue from a month please guide me and let me know anything you need. Thanks in advance. Any help will be much appreciated.

Truffle using to compile the contracts:

module.exports = { // See http://truffleframework.com/docs/advanced/configuration // for more about customizing your Truffle configuration! networks: { development: { host: "", port: 8545, network_id: "*" // Match any network id } }, compilers: { solc: { version: "0.4.24", settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 2000 }, }, optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 2000 }, } }

}; ============================ OUTPUT ================

2020.06.09-03:50:23.505 info  [caliper] [message-handler]     Handling "test" message
{ '0x8c1F7A07D5592Fb6c7E1530738368447045B3366': 43 }
2020.06.09-03:50:23.507 info  [caliper] [caliper-local-client.js]  Info: client 1 start test runFixedNumber():Creating Proof chain.
2020.06.09-03:50:23.508 info  [caliper] [message-handler]  Handling "test" message
2020.06.09-03:50:23.508 info  [caliper] [caliper-local-client.js]  txUpdateTime: 5000
{ '0x8c1F7A07D5592Fb6c7E1530738368447045B3366': 43 }
2020.06.09-03:50:23.510 info  [caliper] [caliper-local-client.js]  txUpdateTime: 5000
2020.06.09-03:50:23.510 info  [caliper] [caliper-local-client.js]  Info: client 2 start test runFixedNumber():Creating Proof chain.
2020.06.09-03:50:23.511 info  [caliper] [message-handler]  Handling "test" message
2020.06.09-03:50:23.512 info  [caliper] [caliper-local-client.js]  Info: client 3 start test runFixedNumber():Creating Proof chain.
{ '0x8c1F7A07D5592Fb6c7E1530738368447045B3366': 43 }
2020.06.09-03:50:23.513 info  [caliper] [caliper-local-client.js]  txUpdateTime: 5000
{ '0x8c1F7A07D5592Fb6c7E1530738368447045B3366': 43 }
2020.06.09-03:50:23.515 info  [caliper] [caliper-local-client.js]  Info: client 4 start test runFixedNumber():Creating Proof chain.
{ '0x8c1F7A07D5592Fb6c7E1530738368447045B3366': 43 }
2020.06.09-03:50:23.675 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Failed tx on ProofC calling method isVerified nonce 0x2b
2020.06.09-03:50:23.676 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Error: Returned error: the tx doesn't have the correct nonce. account has nonce of: 44 tx has nonce of: 43
2020.06.09-03:50:23.682 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Failed tx on ProofC calling method isVerified nonce 0x2b
2020.06.09-03:50:23.682 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Error: Returned error: the tx doesn't have the correct nonce. account has nonce of: 44 tx has nonce of: 43
2020.06.09-03:50:23.739 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Failed tx on ProofC calling method isVerified nonce 0x2b
2020.06.09-03:50:23.740 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Error: Returned error: the tx doesn't have the correct nonce. account has nonce of: 44 tx has nonce of: 43
2020.06.09-03:50:23.746 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Failed tx on ProofC calling method isVerified nonce 0x2b
2020.06.09-03:50:23.746 error [caliper] [ethereum.js]  Error: Returned error: the tx doesn't have the correct nonce. account has nonce of: 44 tx has nonce of: 43
2020.06.09-03:50:23.908 info  [caliper] [message-handler]  Handled "test" message for worker 0
2020.06.09-03:50:23.915 info  [caliper] [message-handler]  Handled "test" message for worker 3
2020.06.09-03:50:23.942 info  [caliper] [message-handler]  Handled "test" message for worker 1
2020.06.09-03:50:23.948 info  [caliper] [message-handler]  Handled "test" message for worker 4
2020.06.09-03:50:23.953 info  [caliper] [message-handler]  Handled "test" message for worker 2
2020.06.09-03:50:23.958 info  [caliper] [report-builder]   ### Test result ###
2020.06.09-03:50:23.964 info  [caliper] [report-builder]   
| Name | Succ | Fail | Send Rate (TPS) | Max Latency (s) | Min Latency (s) | Avg Latency (s) | Throughput (TPS) |
| init | 1    | 4    | 454.5           | 0.24            | 0.24            | 0.24            | 4.1              |

2020.06.09-03:50:23.967 info  [caliper] [round-orchestrator]   Finished round 1 (init) in 0.19 seconds

========================= init.js ======================================

'use strict';

const web3 = require('web3')

module.exports.info = 'Creating Proof chain.';

let bc, contx; let runTimes = 0 module.exports.init = function (blockchain, context, args) { bc = blockchain; contx = context;

return Promise.resolve();


module.exports.run = async function () { let args;

var fromAddress = '0x8c1F7A07D5592Fb6c7E1530738368447045B3366';

contx.contracts.ProofC.gas = 67219750
contx.contracts.ProofC.estimateGas = 60000000

let invokeData = [];
// if (bc.getType() === 'ethereum') {
invokeData = [{
    verb: 'isVerified',
    args: [web3.utils.asciiToHex('resourceinn.com')]

// }

return bc.invokeSmartContract(contx, 'ProofC', '', invokeData, 60);


module.exports.end = function () { return Promise.resolve(); };

================== Run Command ============== npx caliper launch master --caliper-bind-sut ethereum:latest --caliper-benchconfig benchmarks/samples/ethereum/config.yaml --caliper-networkconfig networks/ethereum/1node/ethereum.json --caliper-workspace ./

ahsansalaldaha commented 4 years ago

@nklincoln will appreciate your input. Thanks