hyperledger / fabric-chaincode-go

Hyperledger Fabric Packages for Go Chaincode
Apache License 2.0
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Update from fabric-protos-go to fabric-protos-go-apiv2 #80

Closed jt-nti closed 1 month ago

jt-nti commented 1 year ago

fabric-protos-go uses deprecated Go protobuf APIs so it would be good to update to the newer fabric-protos-go-apiv2 module. Since mixing the different APIs can be problematic, for example hyperledger/fabric-protos#181, it would be sensible to release at v2.x using the new fabric-protos-go-apiv2, with the current v1.x releases sticking with fabric-protos-go.

jt-nti commented 6 months ago

See the main fabric APIv2 issue.

I would be in favor of updating all fabric repositories to APIv2 before Fabric v3 gets released (including Go chaincode repositories), if somebody tests and successfully proves that having a mixed set of Fabric v2.x orderers and peers (old protobuf) and new v3.x orderers and peers (new APIv2) works seamlessly. Any volunteers?