hyperledger / fabric-sdk-go

Apache License 2.0
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Apple M1 unable to build: hyperledger/fabric-tools:arm64-2.2.0 not found: manifest unknown #233

Open kentbull opened 2 years ago

kentbull commented 2 years ago

The SDK fails a local build on an Apple M1 Macbook Pro arm64 architecture with an error of:

Unable to find image 'hyperledger/fabric-tools:arm64-2.2.0' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for hyperledger/fabric-tools:arm64-2.2.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.

This is with Go 1.18 which I know isn't supported yet. I changed the ci.properties to allow building with Go 1.18. Everything worked up until the missing Fabric Tools repo, which is a showstopper at present.

I set up my local SDK repo with GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/myitcv/gobin and make depend and had the following output afterwards when running make:

$ make       
Checking Go version
go version go1.18 darwin/arm64
Running check_license.sh
Examining working directory changes
All files are excluded from having license headers
rm -Rf /tmp/enroll_user /tmp/msp /tmp/keyvaluestore /tmp/hfc-kvs /tmp/state /tmp/state-store
rm -f integration-report.xml report.xml
go clean
FIXTURE_PROJECT_NAME=fabsdkgo DOCKER_REMOVE_FORCE=false test/scripts/clean_integration.sh
Removing docker-compose network created from fixtures ...
[+] Running 1/0
 ⠿ fabsdkgo  Warning: No resource found to remove                                                                                                  0.0s
Crypto config directory does not exist - will need to populate fixture
Generating crypto directory ...
Unable to find image 'hyperledger/fabric-tools:arm64-2.2.0' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for hyperledger/fabric-tools:arm64-2.2.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.
See 'docker run --help'.
make[1]: *** [crypto-gen] Error 125
make: *** [populate-fixtures-stable-noforce] Error 2
animosi commented 2 years ago

I am having the same issue M1 pro 13 docker container is up and running

make go version 1.16.15