hyperledger / fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. It offers a unique approach to consensus that enables performance at scale while preserving privacy.
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Refactor Developing Applications documentation #2983

Open denyeart opened 2 years ago

denyeart commented 2 years ago

"Developing Applications" doc has gotten somewhat outdated and is based on the Commercial Paper chaincode that many people don't understand. It should be overhauled and potentially based on a simpler chaincode that new developers can more easily understand.

Additionally it needs to be refactored for the new embedded peer Gateway.

DARK-art108 commented 2 years ago

Can I work on this issue? @denyeart

denyeart commented 2 years ago

@DARK-art108 Yes, please coordinate with @bestbeforetoday (aka Mark Lewis, aka bestbeforetoday) on the proposed approach. Mark is the application SDK lead and should be involved in Developing Applications changes.

jonmchan commented 2 years ago

Offline signing seems like a significant feature or use case for the Fabric Gateway SDKs. I was unable to find it in the documentation anywhere except in the code and tests. Would this be something that should get a section?

bestbeforetoday commented 2 years ago

Offline signing seems like a significant feature or use case for the Fabric Gateway SDKs. I was unable to find it in the documentation anywhere except in the code and tests. Would this be something that should get a section?

There is some description and code examples in the API documentation for the Contract in each of the client languages:

Any additional documentation giving a language agnostic overview of the client API structure and usage patterns (perhaps a reworked developing applications section) should cover off-line signing too.

denyeart commented 2 years ago

Developing Applications doc has been removed. Intent now is to add some of the main concepts to the Key Concepts and Tutorial topics.

joaormatos commented 2 months ago

Developing Applications doc has been removed. Intent now is to add some of the main concepts to the Key Concepts and Tutorial topics.

Meanwhile there are a few dangling links to the Developing Applications section in the current version of the documentation.

A code search for developapps easily reveals them.

As a result, I couldn't find a full explanation of chaincode namespaces in the current version of the docs. Maybe it's in there and I didn't look hard enough, but I personally ended up hunting down and consulting the deleted section in version 2.3 of the docs to learn about namespaces.

Here's a helpful link to the old docs in case anyone else is looking for this and runs into this comment. https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-2.3/developapps/chaincodenamespace.html

denyeart commented 1 month ago

The broken links to the old Developing Applications doc topics need to be removed.