hyperledger / fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. It offers a unique approach to consensus that enables performance at scale while preserving privacy.
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Confusing with package install logic when chain code as a service. #3710

Closed SamYuan1990 closed 2 years ago

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago


as lines above, when chain code as a service case, the chain code with package as

tree basic-asset
├── code.tar.gz
└── metadata.json

0 directories, 2 files

with usage as lines below from fabric sample:

packageChaincode() {

  prefix=$(basename "$0")
  tempdir=$(mktemp -d -t "$prefix.XXXXXXXX") || error_exit "Error creating temporary directory"
  mkdir -p "$tempdir/src"

cat > "$tempdir/src/connection.json" <<CONN_EOF
  "address": "${address}",
  "dial_timeout": "10s",
  "tls_required": false

   mkdir -p "$tempdir/pkg"

cat << METADATA-EOF > "$tempdir/pkg/metadata.json"
    "type": "ccaas",
    "label": "$label"

    tar -C "$tempdir/src" -czf "$tempdir/pkg/code.tar.gz" .
    tar -C "$tempdir/pkg" -czf "$CC_NAME.tar.gz" metadata.json code.tar.gz
     rm -Rf "$tempdir"

    successln "Chaincode is packaged  ${address}"



# installChaincode PEER ORG
function installChaincode() {
  setGlobals $ORG
  set -x
  echo ${CC_NAME}
  peer lifecycle chaincode install ${CC_NAME}.tar.gz >&log.txt
  { set +x; } 2>/dev/null
  cat log.txt
  verifyResult $res "Chaincode installation on peer0.org${ORG} has failed"
  successln "Chaincode is installed on peer0.org${ORG}"

what confusing me as the tar.gz of chaincode as a service package fails as

could not unmarshal chaincode package to CDS [failed to unmarshal deployment spec from bytes]or SignedCDS [failed to unmarshal envelope from bytes] 436 ./basicj.tar.gz

so logically, as the marshal step having error, the install of chaincode as a service should be fail right? or what's the correct steps to package chaincode as a service?

ref https://github.com/Hyperledger-TWGC/fabric-admin-sdk/pull/26

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

btw, can anyone help add external chaincode test case in peer install path?

mbwhite commented 2 years ago

@SamYuan1990 let me take a look; we've known that the peer command has had some issues... @jt-nti keeps reminding us as well.

https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/weft is an alternative for packaging all types of contracts

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago


good to know this project. @davidkhala , could you please take a look at weft and admin-sdk on nodejs and typescript?

mbwhite commented 2 years ago

@SamYuan1990 I just tried the fabric-samples test-network using the deployCCAAS command. That worked out and deployed the chaincode fine... Just wondering was the peer configured correctly to use the -as-a-service builders?

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

@SamYuan1990 I just tried the fabric-samples test-network using the deployCCAAS command. That worked out and deployed the chaincode fine... Just wondering was the peer configured correctly to use the -as-a-service builders?


if I am right, to enable -as-a-service builders with test network, we don't need any specific parameters during network.sh up right?

mbwhite commented 2 years ago

correct @SamYuan1990 the builders where added I think it was in Fabric 2.3.... but that workflow looks good to me.

not all the example chaincodes though have a dockerfile. So not all can be built and run by the test-network. I went with the typescript one.

./network.sh deployCCAAS -ccn basic -ccp ../asset-transfer-basic/chaincode-typescript -ccl node -ccs 1
SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

@SamYuan1990 I just tried the fabric-samples test-network using the deployCCAAS command. That worked out and deployed the chaincode fine... Just wondering was the peer configured correctly to use the -as-a-service builders?

and what confused me is that when we upload a tar file as chaincode-as-a-service, what's happening during peer install running with the tar file. as the tar file with tar -cxvf command can't convert to golang module during function InitFromBuffer... for SignedCDSPackage or CDSPackage. hence from code path, seems GetCCPackage in package ccprovider will exit with error.

could not unmarshal chaincode package to CDS [failed to unmarshal deployment spec from bytes]or SignedCDS [failed to unmarshal envelope from bytes] 436 ./basicj.tar.gz

but in fact, it's not.(as fabric sample)

hence it looks wired, as I trace the code with path below:



https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/e8c6102cc38d835dd6f3efe7b90a2f1133d21a68/internal/peer/chaincode/install.go#L164 here is not match so skipped to path below:

https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/e8c6102cc38d835dd6f3efe7b90a2f1133d21a68/internal/peer/chaincode/install.go#L179 https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/e8c6102cc38d835dd6f3efe7b90a2f1133d21a68/internal/peer/chaincode/install.go#L242

i.Input.PackageFile is the tar file, which not following SignedCDSPackage or CDSPackage format cause

ccpack, err := ccprovider.GetCCPackage(ccPkgBytes, cryptoProvider) 

return error.

or for tar file as chaincode as a service, we have a specific path as implementation?

I also try to find a sample from test code, but seems this path is not covered. https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/e8c6102cc38d835dd6f3efe7b90a2f1133d21a68/internal/peer/chaincode/install_test.go

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

correct @SamYuan1990 the builders where added I think it was in Fabric 2.3.... but that workflow looks good to me.

not all the example chaincodes though have a dockerfile. So not all can be built and run by the test-network. I went with the typescript one.

./network.sh deployCCAAS -ccn basic -ccp ../asset-transfer-basic/chaincode-typescript -ccl node -ccs 1

yes, @mbwhite , I just confused with the path above, and if path above is correct, then how a tar file with structure below

yuanyi@yuanyideMacBook-Pro e2e % tree basicj
├── code.tar.gz
└── metadata.json

works with https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/e8c6102cc38d835dd6f3efe7b90a2f1133d21a68/core/common/ccprovider/cdspackage.go#L212 or https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/e8c6102cc38d835dd6f3efe7b90a2f1133d21a68/core/common/ccprovider/sigcdspackage.go#L256

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago


I suppose I found where the different between release 2.4 and main branch for the path. basicj.tar.gz

basicj.tar.gz is from my local running result of chaincode as a service from fabric sample


basic-asset.tar.gz is the one I generated from admin-sdk project.

@mbwhite , let's further investigation and keep in touch.

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

hi @mbwhite , after switch to release-2.4 way of implementation, admin-sdk part code successful.

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

oh @mbwhite , I see, there is a "install" under peer/chaincode, and another one under peer/lifecycle/chaincode

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

should we consider keep only one implementation ?

mbwhite commented 2 years ago

Hi @SamYuan1990 ... the peer/chaincode is for the old lifecycle - and at some point will be removed. So for ccaas the peer lifecycle chaincode should be used.

There shouldn't be any needs for the code to go anywhere near the CDS handling - it should check for the builders that are installed. Match up the type specified in the package with the correct builder.

If there's no builder available, it will fail.

Does that answer the question?

SamYuan1990 commented 2 years ago

Hi @SamYuan1990 ... the peer/chaincode is for the old lifecycle - and at some point will be removed. So for ccaas the peer lifecycle chaincode should be used.

There shouldn't be any needs for the code to go anywhere near the CDS handling - it should check for the builders that are installed. Match up the type specified in the package with the correct builder.

If there's no builder available, it will fail.

Does that answer the question?

yes, this comment answer the question.