hyperledger / firefly-cli

FireFly Command Line Interface (CLI)
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FireFly Unable to Start Due to Docker Container Failures on Windows and Ubuntu Env #304

Open vishnuvajhalaharsha opened 1 month ago

vishnuvajhalaharsha commented 1 month ago

Hi Everyone,

I'm facing an issue with starting the FireFly server due to failures in Docker containers, and I could use some help troubleshooting it. Here are the details:

System Details:

Operating System: Windows, switched to WSL (Ubuntu) environment Command used: ff start org1 Docker command: docker ps -a Issue: When I run ff start org1, some of the Docker containers fail to start properly. Below is the screenshot showing the details of the issue:

Docker Container Status: ubunute-docker-status

As you can see, several containers exit immediately after starting, with some showing an exit status of (1) and others (0). This happens both on my native Windows environment and when I switched to using WSL with Ubuntu.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

EnriqueL8 commented 1 month ago

@vishnuvajhalaharsha thanks for raising this! Could you provide some logs of the failed containers to be able to understand further what the cause might be?

vishnuvajhalaharsha commented 1 month ago

Hi @EnriqueL8 ,

Thank you for the reply, please find the logs for the below containers.



Ethereum Client:


Data Exchange : data exchnage container

Firefly Container does not show any logs but failed to run.

EnriqueL8 commented 1 month ago

Thanks - so it seems like an issue with files and volume mounting

EnriqueL8 commented 1 month ago

I've just tested this on a Windows machine and it worked fine for me! I used WSL Ubuntu distro and made sure to configure Docker correctly with WSL.

@vishnuvajhalaharsha I wonder if you had any permission problems with those files or maybe the ff init command did not create the files correctly in the first place

vishnuvajhalaharsha commented 1 month ago

Hi @EnriqueL8, Thanks for letting me know that it works in the Ubuntu environment. It could be the latter issue because, when I looked up the generated files, a couple of folders were created instead of the actual file. I'll try to trouble shoot again tonight with proper docker setup.