Closed EnriqueL8 closed 3 months ago
Started: 19/07/24 Duration: ~32 hours Git commit:
Node Configuration 2 FireFly nodes on one virtual server (EC2 m4.xlarge) Entire FireFly stack is local to the server (ie both blockchains, Postgres databases, etc) Single geth node with 2 instances of ethconnect Maximum time to confirm before considering failure = 1 minute
stackJSONPath: /home/ubuntu/.firefly/stacks/newstack/stack.json
wsPath: /ws
readBufferSize: 16000
writeBufferSize: 16000
initialDelay: 250ms
maximumDelay: 30s
initialConnectAttempts: 5
heartbeatInterval: 5s
- name: long-run
tests: [{"name": "msg_broadcast", "workers":50},{"name": "msg_private", "workers":50},{"name": "blob_broadcast", "workers":30},{"name": "blob_private", "workers":30},{"name": "custom_ethereum_contract", "workers":20},{"name": "token_mint", "workers":10}]
length: 500h
sender: 0
recipient: 1
longMessage: false
tokenType: fungible
contractOptions: {"address": "0x2715cc29d158e2d5261cb33a2eec0c6789e7eb6d"}
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.280] Shutdown summary:
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Prometheus metric sent_mints_total = 119006.000000
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Prometheus metric sent_mint_errors_total = 0.000000
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Prometheus metric mint_token_balance = 0.000000
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Prometheus metric received_events_total = 7299508.000000
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Prometheus metric incomplete_events_total = 0.000000
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Prometheus metric delinquent_msgs_total = 0.000000
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Prometheus metric actions_submitted_total = 3530924.000000
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Test duration: 31h42m59.398456728s
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Measured actions: 14599012
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Measured send TPS: 127.927970
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Measured throughput: 127.860299
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.282] - Measured send duration: min: 7.136251ms, max: 2.688845933s, avg: 132ms
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.283] - Measured event receiving duration: min: 2.007772501s, max: 18.380322296s, avg: 6.138s
INFO[2024-07-20T18:09:05.283] - Measured total duration: min: 2.007772501s, max: 18.380322296s, avg: 6.138s
Happy with the above results and performance tests, no degradation compared to v1.3.0 - closing!
Run the performance tests using the perf-cli, similar to