Open bharadwajambati172 opened 2 years ago
Thanks for reporting this @bharadwajambati172. I'll take a look at it and see if I can reproduce the same behavior.
Notably in FireFly Core, we specifically convert "oldest"
to "0"
when creating a subscription. It's possible fabconnect doesn't actually honor "oldest"
(would need to verify).
Hello @awrichar and @nguyer I checked firefly project and I liked it. I am now in a process of learning Go lang and also study blockchain technology. So if it is possible I would like to try resolve this issue. Finally it would be appreciated if you guide me from where to start solve this issue, I mean if you can give me a guide from which area/folder to start. Thank you :smile:
Launched a fabric network using fabric cli with a total of 3 firefly nodes. Deployed asset-transfer-basic chaincode by following the steps mentioned in the documentation
Ran three blockchain transactions from org1 and then created an event listener from org2. After creating an event listener, org2 didn't receive any events. Ran fourth transaction from org1, now org2 received the fourth transaction but not the previous transactions.
Below is the payload used for creating event listener in org2
Org2 should receive all the events emitted before creating an event listener
Org2 didn't receive events emitted before creating an event listener