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Problem with OSSRH_GPG_SECRET_KEY secret #309

Open bestbeforetoday opened 1 month ago

bestbeforetoday commented 1 month ago

GitHub repo: hyperledger/fabric-gateway

The Maven publishing workflow to publish Java artifacts (in this case to GitHub Packages) has recently started failing with the following error:

gpg: signing failed: No secret key

The workflow uses the OSSRH_GPG_SECRET_KEY organization secret as the GPG secret key. Until recently, this has been working fine. The workflow has not changed for a long time. I notice that this secret was last updated 3 weeks ago. Perhaps the updated key is not good, or the format has changed?

ryjones commented 1 month ago

@bestbeforetoday the change was to add other repos. Let me dig in.

bestbeforetoday commented 1 month ago

Actually I see a successful run 2 weeks ago, which I suppose would have been since the change.

ryjones commented 1 month ago

I need to recover these tokens - I'm working on it.

ryjones commented 1 month ago

@bestbeforetoday I've updated them

bestbeforetoday commented 1 month ago

I am still seeing the same error:

[INFO] --- maven-gpg-plugin:3.2.4:sign (sign-artifacts) @ fabric-gateway ---
[INFO] Signer 'gpg' is signing 5 files with key default
gpg: no default secret key: No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key

As an intermin fix, I added my own credentials as repository-level overrides of these secrets, and publication works fine with them, so there does seem to be an issue with the org-level secrets.

Note that the OSSRH_GPG_SECRET_KEY should be an ASCII-armored private key. With GPG this is exported from the local keyring something like:

gpg --export-secret-key --armor KEY-ID > secret-key.asc

The contents should look something like:


ryjones commented 1 month ago

Strange. Identus is able to use it. I will look into it later today.

ryjones commented 3 days ago

@bestbeforetoday is it working now? https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-gateway/actions/runs/8685040064/job/23813717831

bestbeforetoday commented 2 days ago

I added my own credentials to override the org-level secrets so publishing would work. I've removed my overrides now so we'll see when the next change goes in.

ryjones commented 2 days ago

thanks. if it doesn't work I don't know what to do - the same credentials are working for Identus

bestbeforetoday commented 2 days ago

Still fails here: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-gateway/actions/runs/10737559636/job/29779682539#step:4:178

I don't obviously see where Identus is actually using these secrets to do GPG signing of Maven artifacts. As mentioned above, this was all working for me for a long time. Nothing changed in my build pipelines but a change to the secrets broke the signing. My own credentials (in repository-level secrets) continue to work fine.