hyperledger / identus-edge-agent-sdk-swift

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Document generation failure after renaming #136

Closed mkbreuningIOHK closed 2 months ago

mkbreuningIOHK commented 2 months ago

Is this a regression?



For Swift, after the renaming job, I am trying to 'see' the renamed documentation in the staging doc website: when click on SDK > Swift, it will link to https://input-output-hk.github.io/atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift/documentation/atalaprismsdk/.

Please provide the exception or error you saw

The error is that the documentation seen is not the renamed documentation. So either the link is wrong or the documentation was not generated.

Building the documentation is failing: https://github.com/input-output-hk/atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift/actions/workflows/releaseDocumentation.yml with the error: "2024-05-17 08:17:45.266 xcodebuild[4693:26814] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/yv/tw23g49x7kb1jh_s6mf3zvyh0000gn/T/ResultBundle_2024-17-05_08-17-0045.xcresult
xcodebuild: error: The workspace named "atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift" does not contain a scheme named "AtalaPrismSDK". The "-list" option can be used to find the names of the schemes in the workspace."

Please provide the environment you discovered this bug in

Staging docs environment: https://staging-docs.atalaprism.io

Anything else?

Note: I tried with https://input-output-hk.github.io/atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift/documentation/edgeagentsdk/ just to see but it does not exist (I guess that will be the name to use).

mkbreuningIOHK commented 2 months ago

As the PR #137 is fixing this issue, it can be closed.