hyperledger / identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts

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docs: backup and sd-jwt #230

Closed curtis-h closed 4 weeks ago

curtis-h commented 1 month ago


updating docs

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago
# npm audit report

@grpc/grpc-js  <1.8.22
Severity: moderate
@grpc/grpc-js can allocate memory for incoming messages well above configured limits - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-7v5v-9h63-cj86
fix available via `npm audit fix --force`
Will install rxdb@15.24.0, which is a breaking change
  @firebase/firestore  1.3.1-0 - 1.3.1-canary.df1b588 || 1.3.2-0 - 1.3.3-canary.bc4a844 || 1.13.1-0 - 1.13.1-canary.ce3addba || 1.14.0-0 - 1.15.1 || 3.7.3-20221108184443 - 3.7.3-canary.fde5adf63 || 3.8.0-20221206221533 - 4.0.0
  Depends on vulnerable versions of @grpc/grpc-js
    @firebase/firestore-compat  <=0.0.900-exp.520ca39d0 || 0.2.3-20221108184443 - 0.2.3-canary.fde5adf63 || 0.3.0-20221206221533 - 0.3.13 || >=0.4.0-20230301000120
    Depends on vulnerable versions of @firebase/firestore
      firebase  0.900.22 || 6.0.2-0 - 6.0.2-canary.42eae23 || 6.0.3-0 - 6.0.4-canary.bc4a844 || 7.9.1-0 - 7.9.1-canary.0396117e || 7.13.2-0 - 7.13.2-canary.ce3addba || 7.14.0-0 - 7.15.1 || 8.10.0-20217172214 - 8.10.0-canary.f40c0db53 || 9.0.0-20217250818 - 9.0.0-canary.d0d3acb10 || 9.0.1-2021727231341 - 9.0.1-canary.e039e1472 || 9.0.2-2021891633 - 9.0.2-canary.ff9baf70c || 9.0.3-202181503543 - 9.1.0-canary.f7d8324a1 || 9.1.1-2021830195733 - 9.1.1-canary.e70de6201 || 9.1.2-20219523556 - 9.1.2-canary.fc1d36497 || 9.13.1-20221108184443 - 9.14.0-canary.fde5adf63 || 9.15.0-20221206221533 - 10.0.0
      Depends on vulnerable versions of @firebase/firestore
      Depends on vulnerable versions of @firebase/firestore-compat
        rxdb  14.0.0-beta.1 - 14.17.1
        Depends on vulnerable versions of firebase

5 moderate severity vulnerabilities

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force
github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago
Lines Statements Branches Functions
Coverage: 74%
75% (2779/3705) 64.25% (1343/2090) 80.38% (717/892)


Tests Skipped Failures Errors Time
496 6 :zzz: 0 :x: 0 :fire: 1m 13s :stopwatch: