hyperledger / identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts

Apache License 2.0
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Module not found: Can't resolve './build/browser/index.mjs' #267

Closed Wi77iame closed 4 weeks ago

Wi77iame commented 4 weeks ago

Is this a regression?



Hello everyone,

I would like to run the simple app to learn how it works. I followed all instructions but when I launch with npm run dev, here is the message...

I don't see any ./build folder in dependencies

Could you please help me ?

Thank you very much !

Please provide the exception or error you saw

Module not found: Can't resolve './build/browser/index.mjs'
> 1 | import * as browserSDK from './build/browser/index.mjs';
  2 | import * as nodeSDK from './build/node/index.mjs';
  3 |
  4 | export default (typeof window !== 'undefined') ?


Import trace for requested module:

Please provide the environment you discovered this bug in

Mac os 
Node : v18.20.4

Anything else?

Don't know if it could help but when I want to build the source SDK and run the command $npm run build, I have this message :

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 build npm run externals:update && rm -rf build && npm run build:browser && npm run build:node && npm run types

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 externals:update ./externals/run.sh -x update

Updating submodules

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 build:browser rollup -c rollup/rollup.browser.mjs

sh: rollup: command not found

elribonazo commented 4 weeks ago

Hey hello, Rollup is our build system. Something tells me that your npm packages were not installed properly.

Just to review and sync on the required steps:

  1. From the root: npm i npm run build

  2. Then cd into demos/next + also install, and build cd demos/next npm i npm run dev (or npm run build + npm run start)

Tell me if that helps, but it is the SDK and the demos are like separate projects that need to be installed independently.

Wi77iame commented 4 weeks ago

Hi !

I followed exactly the steps (and retried) and it tells me the same Module not found...

Here is my consol (sorry for that) :

usea@Air-de-usea identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts % npm i npm warn deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 preinstall sh preinstall.sh

running preinstall in /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts

changed 99 packages, and audited 1830 packages in 9s

324 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

12 vulnerabilities (2 low, 5 moderate, 5 critical)

To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix

To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force

Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency.

Run npm audit for details. patch-package 8.0.0 Applying patches... rxdb@14.17.1 ✔

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 postinstall sh postinstall.sh

running postinstall in /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts

removed 92 packages, changed 6 packages, and audited 1738 packages in 2s

324 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

3 vulnerabilities (2 low, 1 moderate)

To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix

Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency.

Run npm audit for details.

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 prepare npx husky

added 1526 packages, and audited 1738 packages in 51s

324 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

3 vulnerabilities (2 low, 1 moderate)

To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix

Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency.

Run npm audit for details. usea@Air-de-usea identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts % npm run build

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 build npm run externals:update && rm -rf build && npm run build:browser && npm run build:node && npm run types

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 externals:update ./externals/run.sh -x update

Updating submodules Sous-module 'externals/anoncreds' (git@github.com:input-output-hk/anoncreds-rs.git) enregistré pour le chemin 'externals/anoncreds' Sous-module 'externals/didcomm' (git@github.com:elribonazo/didcomm-rust.git) enregistré pour le chemin 'externals/didcomm' Clonage dans '/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds'... Clonage dans '/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm'... Chemin de sous-module 'externals/anoncreds' : '08fbc3f7afb2d2bbd5c72d4b6aadd70b77f4bef6' extrait Chemin de sous-module 'externals/didcomm' : '5f844efc9a402b6fb737320c22621646fde6ced6' extrait Build AnonCreds [INFO]: 🎯 Checking for the Wasm target... [INFO]: 🌀 Compiling to Wasm... Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.86 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12 Compiling typenum v1.17.0 Compiling version_check v0.9.5 Compiling wasm-bindgen-shared v0.2.93 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling bumpalo v3.16.0 Compiling once_cell v1.19.0 Compiling log v0.4.22 Compiling wasm-bindgen v0.2.93 Compiling subtle v2.4.1 Compiling byteorder v1.5.0 Compiling generic-array v0.14.7 Compiling getrandom v0.1.16 Compiling autocfg v1.3.0 Compiling opaque-debug v0.3.1 Compiling shlex v1.3.0 Compiling memchr v2.7.4 Compiling serde v1.0.208 Compiling cc v1.1.13 Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.20 Compiling const-oid v0.6.2 Compiling block-padding v0.2.1 Compiling der v0.4.5 Compiling num-traits v0.2.11 Compiling syn v1.0.109 Compiling spki v0.4.1 Compiling num-integer v0.1.42 Compiling byte-tools v0.3.1 Compiling generic-array v0.12.4 Compiling quote v1.0.36 Compiling libc v0.2.156 Compiling syn v2.0.74 Compiling rayon-core v1.12.1 Compiling digest v0.9.0 Compiling cipher v0.2.5 Compiling universal-hash v0.4.1 Compiling crossbeam-epoch v0.9.18 Compiling block-buffer v0.9.0 Compiling crypto-mac v0.11.1 Compiling hmac v0.11.0 Compiling crossbeam-deque v0.8.5 Compiling block-padding v0.1.5 Compiling pkcs8 v0.7.6 Compiling backtrace v0.3.73 Compiling num-bigint v0.3.3 Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.4 Compiling gimli v0.29.0 Compiling failure_derive v0.1.8 Compiling adler v1.0.2 Compiling serde_json v1.0.125 Compiling keccak v0.1.5 Compiling miniz_oxide v0.7.4 Compiling synstructure v0.12.6 Compiling block-buffer v0.7.3 Compiling sha2 v0.9.9 Compiling aes-soft v0.6.4 Compiling polyval v0.4.5 Compiling aead v0.3.2 Compiling digest v0.8.1 Compiling clear_on_drop v0.2.5 Compiling object v0.36.3 Compiling lazy_static v1.5.0 Compiling radium v0.7.0 Compiling ryu v1.0.18 Compiling itoa v1.0.11 Compiling rustc-demangle v0.1.24 Compiling either v1.13.0 Compiling wasm-bindgen-backend v0.2.93 Compiling opaque-debug v0.2.3 Compiling rayon v1.10.0 Compiling sha3 v0.8.2 Compiling addr2line v0.22.0 Compiling ghash v0.3.1 Compiling wasm-bindgen-macro-support v0.2.93 Compiling aes v0.6.0 Compiling ctr v0.6.0 Compiling poly1305 v0.6.2 Compiling block-buffer v0.10.4 Compiling crypto-mac v0.8.0 Compiling crypto-common v0.1.6 Compiling aho-corasick v1.1.3 Compiling tap v1.0.1 Compiling miracl_core v1.0.0 Compiling regex-syntax v0.8.4 Compiling thiserror v1.0.63 Compiling wyz v0.5.1 Compiling digest v0.10.7 Compiling blake2 v0.9.2 Compiling wasm-bindgen-macro v0.2.93 Compiling zeroize_derive v1.4.2 Compiling zerocopy-derive v0.7.35 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.208 Compiling zeroize v1.4.3 Compiling zerocopy v0.7.35 Compiling chacha20 v0.6.0 Compiling subtle-encoding v0.5.1 Compiling js-sys v0.3.70 Compiling chacha20poly1305 v0.7.1 Compiling failure v0.1.8 Compiling regex-automata v0.4.7 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.20 Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.63 Compiling c2-chacha v0.2.4 Compiling aes-gcm v0.8.0 Compiling sha3 v0.9.1 Compiling hkdf v0.11.0 Compiling block-modes v0.7.0 Compiling amcl v0.2.0 Compiling int_traits v0.1.1 Compiling fastrand v2.1.0 Compiling hex v0.4.3 Compiling arrayref v0.3.8 Compiling funty v2.0.0 Compiling tempfile v3.12.0 Compiling regex v1.10.6 Compiling sha2 v0.10.8 Compiling bs58 v0.4.0 Compiling console_error_panic_hook v0.1.7 Compiling getrandom v0.2.15 Compiling rand_core v0.6.4 Compiling ff v0.10.1 Compiling signature v1.3.2 Compiling rand_core v0.5.1 Compiling group v0.10.0 Compiling rand_chacha v0.2.1 Compiling crypto-bigint v0.2.11 Compiling curve25519-dalek v3.2.0 Compiling rand v0.7.3 Compiling elliptic-curve v0.10.6 Compiling ecdsa v0.12.4 Compiling ed25519 v1.5.3 Compiling serde_bytes v0.11.15 Compiling ed25519-dalek v1.0.1 Compiling k256 v0.9.6 Compiling glass_pumpkin v0.4.0 Compiling amcl_wrapper v0.4.0 Compiling x25519-dalek v1.1.1 Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1 Compiling web-sys v0.3.70 Compiling bitvec v1.0.1 Compiling rand v0.8.5 Compiling console_log v0.2.2 Compiling wasm-logger v0.2.0 Compiling serde-wasm-bindgen v0.4.5 Compiling ursa v0.3.7 (https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa.git?rev=390f004e3e91f1257da4bbcd6bc2d72f67b62c0f#390f004e) Compiling anoncreds v0.1.0-dev.18 (/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds) warning: unused import: super::helpers::encode_credential_attribute --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/services/mod.rs:10:13 10 pub use super::helpers::encode_credential_attribute; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

= note: #[warn(unused_imports)] on by default

warning: private item shadows public glob re-export --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/lib.rs:26:1 26 mod utils; ^^^^^^^^^^
note: the name utils in the type namespace is supposed to be publicly re-exported here --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/lib.rs:24:9 24 pub use services::*; ^^^^^^^^^^^ note: but the private item here shadows it --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/lib.rs:26:1
26 mod utils;

= note: #[warn(hidden_glob_reexports)] on by default

warning: methods map_err_string, map_input_err, with_err_msg, and with_input_err are never used --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/error.rs:200:8 199 pub trait ResultExt<T, E> { --------- methods in this trait 200 fn map_err_string(self) -> StdResult<T, String>; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 201 fn map_input_err<F, M>(self, mapfn: F) -> Result ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... 205 fn with_err_msg(self, kind: ErrorKind, msg: M) -> Result ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... 208 fn with_input_err(self, msg: M) -> Result ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default

warning: struct ProvingCredentialKey is never constructed --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/services/types.rs:195:19 | 195 | pub(crate) struct ProvingCredentialKey { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: associated functions hash_leaf and hash_nodes are never used --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/utils/hash.rs:41:8 | 40 | pub trait TreeHash { | -------- associated functions in this trait 41 | fn hash_leaf(leaf: &T) -> Result<Vec, ValidationError> | ^^^^^^^^^ ... 45 | fn hash_nodes(left: &T, right: &T) -> Result<Vec, ValidationE... | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: anoncreds (lib) generated 5 warnings (run cargo fix --lib -p anoncreds to apply 1 suggestion) Compiling anoncreds-wasm v0.1.0 (/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/wasm) Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 25.86s [INFO]: ⬇️ Installing wasm-bindgen... [INFO]: Optimizing wasm binaries with wasm-opt... [INFO]: Optional fields missing from Cargo.toml: 'description', 'repository', and 'license'. These are not necessary, but recommended [INFO]: ✨ Done in 34.14s [INFO]: 📦 Your wasm pkg is ready to publish at /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/generated/anoncreds-wasm-browser. [INFO]: 🎯 Checking for the Wasm target... [INFO]: 🌀 Compiling to Wasm... warning: unused import: super::helpers::encode_credential_attribute --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/services/mod.rs:10:13 10 pub use super::helpers::encode_credential_attribute; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

= note: #[warn(unused_imports)] on by default

warning: private item shadows public glob re-export --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/lib.rs:26:1 26 mod utils; ^^^^^^^^^^
note: the name utils in the type namespace is supposed to be publicly re-exported here --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/lib.rs:24:9 24 pub use services::*; ^^^^^^^^^^^ note: but the private item here shadows it --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/lib.rs:26:1
26 mod utils;

= note: #[warn(hidden_glob_reexports)] on by default

warning: methods map_err_string, map_input_err, with_err_msg, and with_input_err are never used --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/error.rs:200:8 199 pub trait ResultExt<T, E> { --------- methods in this trait 200 fn map_err_string(self) -> StdResult<T, String>; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 201 fn map_input_err<F, M>(self, mapfn: F) -> Result ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... 205 fn with_err_msg(self, kind: ErrorKind, msg: M) -> Result ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... 208 fn with_input_err(self, msg: M) -> Result ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default

warning: struct ProvingCredentialKey is never constructed --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/services/types.rs:195:19 | 195 | pub(crate) struct ProvingCredentialKey { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: associated functions hash_leaf and hash_nodes are never used --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/anoncreds/src/utils/hash.rs:41:8 | 40 | pub trait TreeHash { | -------- associated functions in this trait 41 | fn hash_leaf(leaf: &T) -> Result<Vec, ValidationError> | ^^^^^^^^^ ... 45 | fn hash_nodes(left: &T, right: &T) -> Result<Vec, ValidationE... | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: anoncreds (lib) generated 5 warnings (run cargo fix --lib -p anoncreds to apply 1 suggestion) Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.08s [INFO]: ⬇️ Installing wasm-bindgen... [INFO]: Optimizing wasm binaries with wasm-opt... [INFO]: Optional fields missing from Cargo.toml: 'description', 'repository', and 'license'. These are not necessary, but recommended [INFO]: ✨ Done in 8.32s [INFO]: 📦 Your wasm pkg is ready to publish at /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/generated/anoncreds-wasm-node. Build DIDComm [INFO]: 🎯 Checking for the Wasm target... [INFO]: 🌀 Compiling to Wasm... Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.86 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12 Compiling version_check v0.9.5 Compiling typenum v1.17.0 Compiling wasm-bindgen-shared v0.2.93 Compiling subtle v2.4.1 Compiling serde v1.0.208 Compiling once_cell v1.19.0 Compiling log v0.4.22 Compiling bumpalo v3.16.0 Compiling serde_json v1.0.125 Compiling ryu v1.0.18 Compiling wasm-bindgen v0.2.93 Compiling generic-array v0.14.7 Compiling itoa v1.0.11 Compiling memchr v2.7.4 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling opaque-debug v0.3.1 Compiling byteorder v1.5.0 Compiling rand_core v0.5.1 Compiling syn v1.0.109 Compiling der v0.4.5 Compiling ident_case v1.0.1 Compiling fnv v1.0.7 Compiling thiserror v1.0.63 Compiling block-padding v0.2.1 Compiling anyhow v1.0.86 Compiling quote v1.0.36 Compiling syn v2.0.74 Compiling base64 v0.13.1 Compiling bit_utils v0.1.1 Compiling varint v0.9.0 Compiling bs58 v0.4.0 Compiling digest v0.9.0 Compiling cipher v0.2.5 Compiling universal-hash v0.4.1 Compiling crypto-mac v0.11.1 Compiling block-buffer v0.9.0 Compiling hmac v0.11.0 Compiling aead v0.3.2 Compiling poly1305 v0.6.2 Compiling sha2 v0.9.9 Compiling aes-soft v0.6.4 Compiling polyval v0.4.5 Compiling ctr v0.6.0 Compiling crypto-mac v0.8.0 Compiling ghash v0.3.1 Compiling blake2 v0.9.2 Compiling block-modes v0.7.0 Compiling aes v0.6.0 Compiling hkdf v0.11.0 Compiling aes-gcm v0.8.0 Compiling darling_core v0.12.4 Compiling wasm-bindgen-backend v0.2.93 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.208 Compiling zeroize_derive v1.4.2 Compiling zerocopy-derive v0.7.35 Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.63 Compiling async-trait v0.1.81 Compiling wasm-bindgen-macro-support v0.2.93 Compiling zeroize v1.4.3 Compiling darling_macro v0.12.4 Compiling zerocopy v0.7.35 Compiling curve25519-dalek v3.2.0 Compiling chacha20 v0.6.0 Compiling salsa20 v0.7.2 Compiling wasm-bindgen-macro v0.2.93 Compiling xsalsa20poly1305 v0.6.0 Compiling chacha20poly1305 v0.7.1 Compiling darling v0.12.4 Compiling x25519-dalek v1.1.1 Compiling serde-enum-str v0.1.4 Compiling crypto_box v0.5.0 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.20 Compiling serde-json-core v0.4.0 Compiling js-sys v0.3.70 Compiling console_error_panic_hook v0.1.7 Compiling getrandom v0.2.15 Compiling wasm-bindgen-futures v0.4.43 Compiling rand_core v0.6.4 Compiling uuid v0.8.2 Compiling signature v1.3.2 Compiling ff v0.10.1 Compiling crypto-bigint v0.2.11 Compiling ff v0.11.1 Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1 Compiling group v0.10.0 Compiling group v0.11.0 Compiling ed25519 v1.5.3 Compiling ed25519-dalek v1.0.1 Compiling bls12_381 v0.6.1 Compiling rand v0.8.5 Compiling elliptic-curve v0.10.6 Compiling ecdsa v0.12.4 Compiling p256 v0.9.0 Compiling k256 v0.9.6 Compiling askar-crypto v0.2.2 (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-askar?rev=4f29d43d584c4a1f1f982c4511824421aeccd2db#4f29d43d) Compiling didcomm v0.4.1 (/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm) warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_bounds)] on by default

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait FromJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait FromJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:10:1 | 10 | pub(crate) trait FromJwkValue: FromJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is more private than the item ParsedJWE::protected --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/parse.rs:12:5 12 pub protected: ProtectedHeader<'b>, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ field ParsedJWE::protected is reachable at visibility pub

note: but type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/envelope.rs:29:1 | 29 | pub(crate) struct ProtectedHeader<'a> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_interfaces)] on by default

warning: using .clone() on a double reference, which returns &str instead of cloning the inner type --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:115:37 115 encrypted_keys.push((kid.clone(), encrypted_key)); ^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(suspicious_double_ref_op)]` on by default
warning: didcomm (lib) generated 9 warnings Compiling didcomm-js v0.4.1 (/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/wasm) warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/from_prior/unpack.rs:8:16 8 #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

= note: #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default

warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/pack_plaintext.rs:7:16 | 7 | #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/pack_signed.rs:10:16 | 10 | #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/unpack.rs:16:16 | 16 | #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/did/did_resolver.rs:59:41 59 let ddoc: Option = ddoc.into_serde().kind( ^^^^^^^^^^

= note: #[warn(deprecated)] on by default

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/from_prior/mod.rs:25:14 | 25 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/from_prior/mod.rs:34:28 | 34 | let msg = JsValue::from_serde(&*self.0) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/pack_encrypted.rs:31:18 | 31 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/pack_encrypted.rs:47:37 | 47 | let metadata = JsValue::from_serde(&metadata) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/pack_signed.rs:29:37 | 29 | let metadata = JsValue::from_serde(&metadata) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:22:28 | 22 | let msg = JsValue::from_serde(&*self.0) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:47:18 | 47 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:52:18 | 52 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:57:18 | 57 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:80:21 | 80 | Ok(JsValue::from_serde(&parsed_message) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/unpack.rs:33:18 | 33 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/unpack.rs:42:37 | 42 | let metadata = JsValue::from_serde(&metadata) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/mod.rs:28:14 | 28 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/mod.rs:37:28 | 37 | let msg = JsValue::from_serde(&*self.0) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/secrets/secrets_resolver.rs:89:45 | 89 | let secret: Option = secret.into_serde().kind( | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: didcomm-js (lib) generated 20 warnings Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 14.58s [INFO]: ⬇️ Installing wasm-bindgen... [INFO]: Optimizing wasm binaries with wasm-opt... [INFO]: ✨ Done in 16.56s [INFO]: 📦 Your wasm pkg is ready to publish at /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/generated/didcomm-wasm-browser. [INFO]: 🎯 Checking for the Wasm target... [INFO]: 🌀 Compiling to Wasm... warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_bounds)] on by default

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait FromJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait FromJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:10:1 | 10 | pub(crate) trait FromJwkValue: FromJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is more private than the item ParsedJWE::protected --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/parse.rs:12:5 12 pub protected: ProtectedHeader<'b>, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ field ParsedJWE::protected is reachable at visibility pub

note: but type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/envelope.rs:29:1 | 29 | pub(crate) struct ProtectedHeader<'a> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_interfaces)] on by default

warning: using .clone() on a double reference, which returns &str instead of cloning the inner type --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:115:37 115 encrypted_keys.push((kid.clone(), encrypted_key)); ^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(suspicious_double_ref_op)]` on by default
warning: didcomm (lib) generated 9 warnings warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/from_prior/unpack.rs:8:16 8 #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

= note: #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default

warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/pack_plaintext.rs:7:16 | 7 | #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/pack_signed.rs:10:16 | 10 | #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

warning: unused variable: skip_typescript --> src/message/unpack.rs:16:16 | 16 | #[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _skip_typescript

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/did/did_resolver.rs:59:41 59 let ddoc: Option = ddoc.into_serde().kind( ^^^^^^^^^^

= note: #[warn(deprecated)] on by default

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/from_prior/mod.rs:25:14 | 25 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/from_prior/mod.rs:34:28 | 34 | let msg = JsValue::from_serde(&*self.0) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/pack_encrypted.rs:31:18 | 31 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/pack_encrypted.rs:47:37 | 47 | let metadata = JsValue::from_serde(&metadata) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/pack_signed.rs:29:37 | 29 | let metadata = JsValue::from_serde(&metadata) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:22:28 | 22 | let msg = JsValue::from_serde(&*self.0) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:47:18 | 47 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:52:18 | 52 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:57:18 | 57 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/protocols/routing/mod.rs:80:21 | 80 | Ok(JsValue::from_serde(&parsed_message) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/unpack.rs:33:18 | 33 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/unpack.rs:42:37 | 42 | let metadata = JsValue::from_serde(&metadata) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/mod.rs:28:14 | 28 | .into_serde() | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated associated function wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/message/mod.rs:37:28 | 37 | let msg = JsValue::from_serde(&*self.0) | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: use of deprecated method wasm_bindgen::JsValue::into_serde: causes dependency cycles, use serde-wasm-bindgen or gloo_utils::format::JsValueSerdeExt instead --> src/secrets/secrets_resolver.rs:89:45 | 89 | let secret: Option = secret.into_serde().kind( | ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: didcomm-js (lib) generated 20 warnings Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.04s [INFO]: ⬇️ Installing wasm-bindgen... [INFO]: Optimizing wasm binaries with wasm-opt... [INFO]: ✨ Done in 1.97s [INFO]: 📦 Your wasm pkg is ready to publish at /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/generated/didcomm-wasm-node. Build JWT [INFO]: 🎯 Checking for the Wasm target... [INFO]: 🌀 Compiling to Wasm... Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.86 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12 Compiling version_check v0.9.5 Compiling typenum v1.17.0 Compiling wasm-bindgen-shared v0.2.93 Compiling serde v1.0.208 Compiling subtle v2.4.1 Compiling log v0.4.22 Compiling once_cell v1.19.0 Compiling bumpalo v3.16.0 Compiling serde_json v1.0.125 Compiling generic-array v0.14.7 Compiling ryu v1.0.18 Compiling itoa v1.0.11 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling wasm-bindgen v0.2.93 Compiling memchr v2.7.4 Compiling byteorder v1.5.0 Compiling opaque-debug v0.3.1 Compiling syn v1.0.109 Compiling rand_core v0.5.1 Compiling fnv v1.0.7 Compiling ident_case v1.0.1 Compiling quote v1.0.36 Compiling der v0.4.5 Compiling thiserror v1.0.63 Compiling syn v2.0.74 Compiling block-padding v0.2.1 Compiling anyhow v1.0.86 Compiling base64 v0.13.1 Compiling bit_utils v0.1.1 Compiling varint v0.9.0 Compiling bs58 v0.4.0 Compiling digest v0.9.0 Compiling cipher v0.2.5 Compiling universal-hash v0.4.1 Compiling crypto-mac v0.11.1 Compiling aead v0.3.2 Compiling block-buffer v0.9.0 Compiling poly1305 v0.6.2 Compiling hmac v0.11.0 Compiling polyval v0.4.5 Compiling sha2 v0.9.9 Compiling aes-soft v0.6.4 Compiling ctr v0.6.0 Compiling crypto-mac v0.8.0 Compiling ghash v0.3.1 Compiling blake2 v0.9.2 Compiling hkdf v0.11.0 Compiling block-modes v0.7.0 Compiling aes v0.6.0 Compiling aes-gcm v0.8.0 Compiling wasm-bindgen-backend v0.2.93 Compiling darling_core v0.12.4 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.208 Compiling zeroize_derive v1.4.2 Compiling zerocopy-derive v0.7.35 Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.63 Compiling async-trait v0.1.81 Compiling wasm-bindgen-macro-support v0.2.93 Compiling zeroize v1.4.3 Compiling zerocopy v0.7.35 Compiling curve25519-dalek v3.2.0 Compiling salsa20 v0.7.2 Compiling chacha20 v0.6.0 Compiling xsalsa20poly1305 v0.6.0 Compiling chacha20poly1305 v0.7.1 Compiling darling_macro v0.12.4 Compiling x25519-dalek v1.1.1 Compiling crypto_box v0.5.0 Compiling wasm-bindgen-macro v0.2.93 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.20 Compiling darling v0.12.4 Compiling serde-enum-str v0.1.4 Compiling serde-json-core v0.4.0 Compiling js-sys v0.3.70 Compiling console_error_panic_hook v0.1.7 Compiling getrandom v0.2.15 Compiling wasm-bindgen-futures v0.4.43 Compiling rand_core v0.6.4 Compiling uuid v0.8.2 Compiling ff v0.10.1 Compiling signature v1.3.2 Compiling crypto-bigint v0.2.11 Compiling ff v0.11.1 Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1 Compiling group v0.10.0 Compiling ed25519 v1.5.3 Compiling group v0.11.0 Compiling ed25519-dalek v1.0.1 Compiling bls12_381 v0.6.1 Compiling rand v0.8.5 Compiling elliptic-curve v0.10.6 Compiling ecdsa v0.12.4 Compiling k256 v0.9.6 Compiling p256 v0.9.0 Compiling askar-crypto v0.2.2 (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-askar?rev=4f29d43d584c4a1f1f982c4511824421aeccd2db#4f29d43d) Compiling didcomm v0.4.1 (/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm) warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_bounds)] on by default

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait FromJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait FromJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:10:1 | 10 | pub(crate) trait FromJwkValue: FromJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is more private than the item ParsedJWE::protected --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/parse.rs:12:5 12 pub protected: ProtectedHeader<'b>, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ field ParsedJWE::protected is reachable at visibility pub

note: but type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/envelope.rs:29:1 | 29 | pub(crate) struct ProtectedHeader<'a> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_interfaces)] on by default

warning: using .clone() on a double reference, which returns &str instead of cloning the inner type --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:115:37 115 encrypted_keys.push((kid.clone(), encrypted_key)); ^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(suspicious_double_ref_op)]` on by default
warning: didcomm (lib) generated 9 warnings Compiling jwe-rust v0.4.1 (/Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/wasm-jwe) warning: unused variable: e --> src/jwe/mod.rs:39:20 39 ).map_err( e { ^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _e

= note: #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default

warning: unused variable: e --> src/jwe/mod.rs:43:63 | 43 | let jwe = DIDCOMMJWE::from_str(&jwe_string).map_err(|e| { | ^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _e

warning: variable does not need to be mutable --> src/jwe/mod.rs:67:13 67 let mut split = jwe_string.split(".") ----^^^^^
help: remove this mut

= note: #[warn(unused_mut)] on by default

warning: jwe-rust (lib) generated 3 warnings (run cargo fix --lib -p jwe-rust to apply 1 suggestion) Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 14.18s [INFO]: ⬇️ Installing wasm-bindgen... [INFO]: Optimizing wasm binaries with wasm-opt... [INFO]: ✨ Done in 15.05s [INFO]: 📦 Your wasm pkg is ready to publish at /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/generated/jwe-wasm-browser. [INFO]: 🎯 Checking for the Wasm target... [INFO]: 🌀 Compiling to Wasm... warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_bounds)] on by default

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item encrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:19:1 19 / pub fn encrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 20 plaintext: &[u8], 21 alg: Algorithm, 22 enc: EncAlgorithm, ... 29 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue, 30 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ function encrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait JoseKDF<KE, KW> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:54:1 | 54 | pub(crate) trait JoseKDF<Key: KeyExchange, KW: KeyWrap + Sized> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait ToJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait ToJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:20:1 | 20 | pub(crate) trait ToJwkValue: ToJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait FromJwkValue is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait FromJwkValue is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwk.rs:10:1 | 10 | pub(crate) trait FromJwkValue: FromJwk { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: trait KeyWrap is more private than the item decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/decrypt.rs:16:5 16 / pub fn decrypt<CE, KDF, KE, KW>( 17 &self, 18 sender: Option<(&str, &KE)>, 19 recipient: (&str, &KE), ... 24 KE: KeyExchange + KeyGen + ToJwkValue + FromJwkValue, 25 KW: KeyWrap + FromKeyDerivation, ____^ method decrypt::<impl ParsedJWE<'a, 'b>>::decrypt is reachable at visibility pub

note: but trait KeyWrap is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/utils/crypto.rs:18:1 | 18 | pub(crate) trait KeyWrap: KeyAeadInPlace { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

warning: type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is more private than the item ParsedJWE::protected --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/parse.rs:12:5 12 pub protected: ProtectedHeader<'b>, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ field ParsedJWE::protected is reachable at visibility pub

note: but type jwe::envelope::ProtectedHeader<'b> is only usable at visibility pub(crate) --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/envelope.rs:29:1 | 29 | pub(crate) struct ProtectedHeader<'a> { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = note: #[warn(private_interfaces)] on by default

warning: using .clone() on a double reference, which returns &str instead of cloning the inner type --> /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/didcomm/src/jwe/encrypt.rs:115:37 115 encrypted_keys.push((kid.clone(), encrypted_key)); ^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(suspicious_double_ref_op)]` on by default
warning: didcomm (lib) generated 9 warnings warning: unused variable: e --> src/jwe/mod.rs:39:20 39 ).map_err( e { ^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _e

= note: #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default

warning: unused variable: e --> src/jwe/mod.rs:43:63 | 43 | let jwe = DIDCOMMJWE::from_str(&jwe_string).map_err(|e| { | ^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: _e

warning: variable does not need to be mutable --> src/jwe/mod.rs:67:13 67 let mut split = jwe_string.split(".") ----^^^^^
help: remove this mut

= note: #[warn(unused_mut)] on by default

warning: jwe-rust (lib) generated 3 warnings (run cargo fix --lib -p jwe-rust to apply 1 suggestion) Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 0.04s [INFO]: ⬇️ Installing wasm-bindgen... [INFO]: Optimizing wasm binaries with wasm-opt... [INFO]: ✨ Done in 0.90s [INFO]: 📦 Your wasm pkg is ready to publish at /Users/usea/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/externals/generated/jwe-wasm-node.

@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 build:browser rollup -c rollup/rollup.browser.mjs

sh: rollup: command not found usea@Air-de-usea identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts % cd demos usea@Air-de-usea demos % cd next usea@Air-de-usea next % npm i npm warn deprecated crypto@1.0.1: This package is no longer supported. It's now a built-in Node module. If you've depended on crypto, you should switch to the one that's built-in.

added 572 packages, and audited 2367 packages in 16s

316 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

24 vulnerabilities (1 low, 10 moderate, 7 high, 6 critical)

To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force

Run npm audit for details. usea@Air-de-usea next % npm run dev

atala-prism-nextjs@0.1.0 dev next dev

▲ Next.js 14.0.4

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx browserslist@latest --update-db Why you should do it regularly: https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist#browsers-data-updating ✓ Ready in 2.4s Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx update-browserslist-db@latest Why you should do it regularly: https://github.com/browserslist/update-db#readme

warn - The purge/content options have changed in Tailwind CSS v3.0. warn - Update your configuration file to eliminate this warning. warn - https://tailwindcss.com/docs/upgrade-guide#configure-content-sources

warn - The darkMode option in your Tailwind CSS configuration is set to false, which now behaves the same as media. warn - Change darkMode to media or remove it entirely. warn - https://tailwindcss.com/docs/upgrade-guide#remove-dark-mode-configuration ○ Compiling / ... ⨯ ../../index.mjs:1:0 Module not found: Can't resolve './build/browser/index.mjs'

1 | import as browserSDK from './build/browser/index.mjs'; 2 | import as nodeSDK from './build/node/index.mjs'; 3 | 4 | export default (typeof window !== 'undefined') ?


Import trace for requested module: ./src/pages/index.tsx ⨯ ../../index.mjs:1:0 Module not found: Can't resolve './build/browser/index.mjs'

1 | import as browserSDK from './build/browser/index.mjs'; 2 | import as nodeSDK from './build/node/index.mjs'; 3 | 4 | export default (typeof window !== 'undefined') ?


Import trace for requested module: ./src/pages/index.tsx ⨯ ../../index.mjs:1:0 Module not found: Can't resolve './build/browser/index.mjs'

1 | import as browserSDK from './build/browser/index.mjs'; 2 | import as nodeSDK from './build/node/index.mjs'; 3 | 4 | export default (typeof window !== 'undefined') ?


Import trace for requested module: ./src/pages/index.tsx

elribonazo commented 4 weeks ago

If the SDK build fails "sh: rollup: command not found" then unfortunately u won't be able to run the demo, at least from source. I'll provide couple options anyway.

Can you please confirm that:

  1. The node_modules folder exists in the directory
  2. node_modules/rollup exists
  3. node_modules/.bin/rollup exists too?

A) Fixing the issue + trying to build everything back from source. From main branch

I'll provide the inputs on my side On my side: OS=OSX NPM=10.5.0 NODE=20.12.2

Before i start, ./node_modules and ./externals/generated and ./externals/*.commit don't exist:

rm -rf node_modules externals/generated externals/*.commit
npm i

After a while i see that node_modules/rollup exists and node_modules/.bin/rollup exists too.

I run

npm run build

Lots of warnings on the rust building part but all fine. This should be the output:

> @hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 build:browser
> rollup -c rollup/rollup.browser.mjs

src/index.ts → build/browser...
(!) Circular dependencies
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/DIDDocument.ts -> src/domain/models/Errors.ts -> src/domain/models/errors/Apollo.ts -> src/domain/utils/hash.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/MessageAttachment.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts
src/pluto/repositories/index.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/builders/factory.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/index.ts
src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/ProposePresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts
created build/browser in 5.7s

src/index.ts → build/browser...
(!) Circular dependencies
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/DIDDocument.ts -> src/domain/models/Errors.ts -> src/domain/models/errors/Apollo.ts -> src/domain/utils/hash.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/MessageAttachment.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts
src/pluto/repositories/index.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/builders/factory.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/index.ts
src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/ProposePresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts
created build/browser in 5.1s

> @hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 build:node
> rollup -c rollup/rollup.node.mjs

src/index.ts → build/node...
(!) Circular dependencies
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/DIDDocument.ts -> src/domain/models/Errors.ts -> src/domain/models/errors/Apollo.ts -> src/domain/utils/hash.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/MessageAttachment.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts
src/pluto/repositories/index.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/builders/factory.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/index.ts
src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/ProposePresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts
created build/node in 5.2s

src/index.ts → build/node...
(!) Circular dependencies
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/DIDDocument.ts -> src/domain/models/Errors.ts -> src/domain/models/errors/Apollo.ts -> src/domain/utils/hash.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/index.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/MessageAttachment.ts -> src/domain/index.ts
src/domain/models/index.ts -> src/domain/models/Message.ts -> src/domain/models/index.ts
src/pluto/repositories/index.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/builders/factory.ts -> src/pluto/repositories/index.ts
src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/ProposePresentation.ts -> src/edge-agent/protocols/proofPresentation/RequestPresentation.ts
created build/node in 3.8s

> @hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk@3.1.0 types
> rm -rf build/typings && tsc

U seem to not have rollup installed and that is likely the issue.

OptionB: Open demos/next/package.json Remove this line : "@atala/prism-wallet-sdk": "../..", Save the file

Then from the demo project: cd demos/next npm i @atala/prism-wallet-sdk --save

and u should be good to go

Another alternative if u really want to build from source is npx rollup -c rollup/rollup.browser.mjs npx rollup -c rollup/rollup.node.mjs

From the root should do the same, building the files in ./build/** then u could continue with nextjs part

elribonazo commented 4 weeks ago

I doubt its related but we are using nodejs LTS (long term support) version which is at least higher > than 18.


Wi77iame commented 4 weeks ago

Yes I was on node 18 at the beginning and upgrade to 20 thinking it was the problem, but it the same

MAC OS NODE : v20.16.0 NPM : 10.8.1

I'm trying your solutions, I tell you if it works very soon

elribonazo commented 4 weeks ago

@Wi77iame for some reason our rollup package json dependency is not there anymore. We are going to be adding a PR quickly to fix this, but meanwhile u can by just

npm i rollup --save

in the root

Wi77iame commented 4 weeks ago

Ok option B works fine I removed @atala and reinstall it. I have the database window connection !!

Indeed, I don't know why but : the node_modules folder exists, I have like 10 "rollup-pluggin..." folders, I have .bin folder but no rollup inside.

Thank you for all !!!

PS : I just tried npm i rollup --save and it's ok, I have all the folder now in node_modules

elribonazo commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you for reporting this, https://github.com/hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk-ts/pull/269 will get merged soon but if u can save little bit of time by just using the existing one :)

Good luck!

elribonazo commented 4 weeks ago

Merged the PR so closing the issue, anything else u need we're here

Wi77iame commented 4 weeks ago

OK !

I stay in the area ! Thanks again