Commit text: workflow file for slack messages after weekly trivy scan, project context IDunion (Germany)
This file was created to get Slack notifications on the IDunion project Slack workspace channel 'docker_indy-node'. The workflow is doing a weekly trivy scan and filters all high and critical CVEs and publishes them to the mentioned Slack channel. For that to work a secret webhook URL needs to be included in this repo. The name of the secret needs to be
corresponding to the name in the file. The webhook URL needs to be a secret otherwise it will be disabled.
Commit text: workflow file for slack messages after weekly trivy scan, project context IDunion (Germany)
This file was created to get Slack notifications on the IDunion project Slack workspace channel 'docker_indy-node'. The workflow is doing a weekly trivy scan and filters all high and critical CVEs and publishes them to the mentioned Slack channel. For that to work a secret webhook URL needs to be included in this repo. The name of the secret needs to be
corresponding to the name in the file. The webhook URL needs to be a secret otherwise it will be disabled.
Best regards Sebastian