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Document current configuration update #257

Open 6r1d opened 1 year ago

6r1d commented 1 year ago

Currently, we often hear about a bug with this error message:

Error: Failed to build Configuration from ConfigurationProxy

As far as I know, it was previously fixable by resetting the environment and picking a proper container for Iroha in Docker-compose (dev instead of lts).

git checkout iroha2-dev
# Backup your config here
git reset --hard
git pull

As an example, I'll copy a log provided by Vishal Mahajan running this part of the doc today:

[+] Running 4/0
 ⠿ Container iroha-iroha2-1  Created                                       0.0s
 ⠿ Container iroha-iroha3-1  Created                                       0.0s
 ⠿ Container iroha-iroha0-1  Created                                       0.0s
 ⠿ Container iroha-iroha1-1  Created                                       0.0s
Attaching to iroha-iroha0-1, iroha-iroha1-1, iroha-iroha2-1, iroha-iroha3-1
iroha-iroha0-1  | Error: Failed to build Configuration from ConfigurationProxy
iroha-iroha0-1  | 
iroha-iroha0-1  | Caused by:
iroha-iroha0-1  |     Proxy failed at build stage due to: maximum_transactions_in_signature_buffer
iroha-iroha0-1  | 
iroha-iroha0-1  | Location:
iroha-iroha0-1  |     config/src/[iroha.rs:157](http://iroha.rs:157/):14
iroha-iroha1-1  | Error: Failed to build Configuration from ConfigurationProxy
iroha-iroha1-1  | 
iroha-iroha1-1  | Caused by:
iroha-iroha1-1  |     Proxy failed at build stage due to: maximum_transactions_in_signature_buffer
iroha-iroha1-1  | 
iroha-iroha1-1  | Location:
iroha-iroha1-1  |     config/src/[iroha.rs:157](http://iroha.rs:157/):14
iroha-iroha3-1  | Error: Failed to build Configuration from ConfigurationProxy
iroha-iroha3-1  | 
iroha-iroha3-1  | Caused by:
iroha-iroha3-1  |     Proxy failed at build stage due to: maximum_transactions_in_signature_buffer
iroha-iroha2-1  | Error: Failed to build Configuration from ConfigurationProxy
iroha-iroha3-1  | 
iroha-iroha2-1  | 
iroha-iroha2-1  | Caused by:
iroha-iroha2-1  |     Proxy failed at build stage due to: maximum_transactions_in_signature_buffer
iroha-iroha3-1  | Location:
iroha-iroha3-1  |     config/src/[iroha.rs:157](http://iroha.rs:157/):14
iroha-iroha2-1  | 
iroha-iroha2-1  | Location:
iroha-iroha2-1  |     config/src/[iroha.rs:157](http://iroha.rs:157/):14
iroha-iroha0-1 exited with code 1
iroha-iroha1-1 exited with code 1
iroha-iroha3-1 exited with code 1
iroha-iroha2-1 exited with code 1

The current fix is different: one should update the Docker-compose config or add an environment variable. Example config change was shown by @appetrosyan (please confirm if the text is actual and belongs in docker-compose.yml or another file):

Please add the missing environment variables to the config/compose file.

"QUEUE": {

I need additional information.

Specifically, how could each of the QUEUE configuration values be set?

I know the last question specifically was asked in Hyperledger Iroha Community, but let's add more specific answers and examples so the doc can be reliably updated.

outoftardis commented 10 months ago

will be updated via configuration rfc

0x009922 commented 10 months ago

The configuration reference overhaul is tracked here: #392