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Error processing data received by WS manager reader: Reader data not found #27

Open jackbbhua opened 4 months ago

jackbbhua commented 4 months ago

[2024-05-26T12:59:06Z ERROR hyperliquid_rust_sdk::ws::ws_manager] Error processing data received by WS manager reader: Reader data not found

Hi, i am run the cargo run --bin ws_trades but it shows this error after some minutes. please check.thanks.

Frixoe commented 2 months ago

Hey @jackbbhua, this usually happens due to an issue with your connection or the ws connection breaking/expiring. This does not look like an issue related to the rust sdk.

Whenever you get that error, you should try to unsubscribe and subscribe to the ws type again.

abrkn commented 1 month ago

Hey @jackbbhua, this usually happens due to an issue with your connection or the ws connection breaking/expiring. This does not look like an issue related to the rust sdk.

Whenever you get that error, you should try to unsubscribe and subscribe to the ws type again.

I'm having the same issue. Even with a stable connection from aws ap-northeast-1.

ERROR hyperliquid_rust_sdk::ws::ws_manager] Error processing data received by WS manager reader: Reader data not found

The error in question is https://github.com/hyperliquid-dex/hyperliquid-rust-sdk/blob/bc972aa8ad08fe7a509693af15f889221dd39b76/src/errors.rs#L42-L43

...which is returned here


...which is called here


As you can see there is a TODO and no error handling. The error is printed and ignored. I don't see how the consumer can catch this error and handle.

I believe the ux could be improved by at least removing Option<> from parse_and_send_data's data argument and notifying subscribers of the error in the calling function.

abrkn commented 1 month ago

Here's my workaround to re-establish the connection if no 1m candle is received in 30 sec:

/// Continuously store the last price of BTC in `last_price`
async fn store_last_price(last_price: Arc<Mutex<f64>>) {
    loop {
        trace!("Connecting to info stream..");

        let mut info_client = InfoClient::new(None, Some(BaseUrl::Mainnet)).await.unwrap();

        // from https://github.com/hyperliquid-dex/hyperliquid-rust-sdk/blob/master/src/bin/ws_candles.rs
        let (sender, mut receiver) = unbounded_channel();

        let subscription_id = info_client
                Subscription::Candle {
                    coin: "BTC".to_string(),
                    interval: "1m".to_string(),

        while let Ok(result) = timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), receiver.recv()).await {
            if let Message::Candle(candle) = result.unwrap() {
                trace!("Received candle: {:?}", candle);

                *last_price.lock().unwrap() = candle.data.close.parse::<f64>().unwrap();

        if let Err(e) = info_client.unsubscribe(subscription_id).await {
            error!("Failed to unsubscribe: {}", e);

        warn!("No candle received in 30 seconds, retrying...");
Frixoe commented 1 month ago


Yeah but this still wouldn't work long term for a connection that needs to remain open 24/7. I've come up with a proper work around and I'm opening a PR soon. Unsubbing and resubbing doesn't work because the reader and pinging threads are still using the old channel and they're never closed. So your solution would at some point end up doing two things:

For your solution, use the same channel. That would work.

The best way to reconnect without any issues if to drop the InfoClient and run subscribe again. But keep in mind the difference in senders and receivers of your new channel. If any resource is using the receiver, you would need to reuse the old sender channel so best to keep it handy somewhere.

abrkn commented 1 month ago

The stream implementation is too broken for workarounds. I have made a fresh streaming client with optional sub management: https://github.com/hyperliquid-dex/hyperliquid-rust-sdk/pull/49