hypernewbie / VEFontCache

Single-header minimalistic pragmatic GPU font rendering library.
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DirectX Porting Demo #1

Open alihanpehlivan opened 3 years ago

alihanpehlivan commented 3 years ago

Currently demo is only with OpenGL... Are you planning to add any DirectX porting demo too?

hypernewbie commented 3 years ago

Sorry, no DX demos planned for now :) Would be happy to take one as contribution!

Not too much difference; one gotcha is that sample center is different vs openGL, so would need to offset by half a pixel.

alihanpehlivan commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your answer, I am planning to implement your library to my custom engine, will start working on it soon. Hopefully if everything goes well, I will definitely contribute :)

And also a small note, if you can add more explanatory comments both in library and demo piece of code it would be really helpful for other people too... Library and demo in it's current state is very hard to read and all code is very clamped it's almost like you did not want other programmers to read it easily :D. I had to use clang-format on the code to read it easily. My eyes almost bled.

Ref: Google C++ Style Guide


hypernewbie commented 3 years ago

haha agreed!

sorry yeah demo is hastily put together. I'll format that better!