hyperoslo / Lightbox

:milky_way: A convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app
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replace imaginary with kingfisher library #284

Closed naveedmcs closed 1 year ago

naveedmcs commented 2 years ago

for performance improvements of loading images . I want to replace imaginary library to kingfisher library. what is possible solutions?

chickdan commented 2 years ago

It looks like PR #283 switched image loading libraries.

That said I'd like to suggest that Lightbox be refactored in a way that allows developers to choose their own image loading library rather than forcing dependencies. For example I don't use SDWebImage or Kingfisher and instead use Nuke.

naveedmcs commented 2 years ago

@chickdan Thanks for reply. how can i use this PR in my project? Please guide me. i will be very Thank full to you.

mohpor commented 2 years ago

@chickdan Dependency injection is what we need here. and I seriously second this.