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Avoid using butterknife #16

Open changxiangzhong opened 9 years ago

changxiangzhong commented 9 years ago

I propose to avoid using butterknife. Because they can't be used in modules, which means if we are going to refactor some code as a reusable module, it would be painful.

sindrenm commented 9 years ago

But it's so niiiiice! O_O

ealmdahl commented 9 years ago

It is kind of nice, but should definitely be avoided for projects that might be turned into submodules. For simple, very limited projects (like the Samsung S6 thing), it might be suitable.

sindrenm commented 9 years ago

How exactly do they not work in modules, though, @changxiangzhong?

Damian-Lopata commented 8 years ago

If you create library, resource ids inside are not final so they can possibly be changed later if resources from 2 different libraries use same id. butterknife needs id to be final as far as I know. Here is some link to the problem https://github.com/JakeWharton/butterknife/issues/100

If someone wanna try butterfork instead here is the link https://github.com/oguzbabaoglu/butterfork That should work with the library but I don't want to check on a big project in case it will fail. it has only 36 stars, butterknife has around 7000

sindrenm commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the clarification, @Damian-Lopata. Stupid ButterKnife.

sindrenm commented 8 years ago

Then again, with Kotlin, you don't really need ButterKnife. :wink:

sindrenm commented 7 years ago

Last comment still holds true. :grinning: