hyperoslo / iOS-playbook

Hyper's iOS playbook
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Improve use of self #116

Closed 3lvis closed 9 years ago

3lvis commented 9 years ago

"Fixes" #115

Should we continue this discussion? We still have different thoughts about that and also we've got some issues with using of self in the debugger. I guess @zenangst could describe it in details.
— @markvaldy

3lvis commented 9 years ago

@hyperoslo/ios any other place?

3lvis commented 9 years ago

So, I think we should do this. At least for now and evaluate if using self is something that we actually need.

3lvis commented 9 years ago

Last time we where 3.5 (self.yes) and 1.5 (just yes, at least until the compiler begs you to add self).

So, @RamonGilabert, @zenangst, (@jgorset * 0.5) and me where in favor of keeping self.

I'm voting against keeping it so that makes it.

2.5 vs 2.5!

3lvis commented 9 years ago

Anyway, if this is good feel free to merge :)

zenangst commented 9 years ago

My swing vote has "swong", I think we should remove it.

fespinoza commented 9 years ago

I like the fact that I can learn swift on my own and I already know how to write my code given your conventions :D

jgorset commented 9 years ago

Mine has also swong — I'm an entire 1.0 in favour of dropping self now. :-)

zenangst commented 9 years ago

:hammer: BANG!

vadymmarkov commented 9 years ago


kostiakoval commented 9 years ago

:tada: ))