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Research on EIP 1812 (Ethereum Verifiable Claims) #41

Open Vishwas1 opened 2 years ago

Vishwas1 commented 2 years ago
Vishwas1 commented 2 years ago



Reusable Off-Chain Verifiable Claims provide an important piece of integrating smart contracts with real world organizational requirements such as meeting regulatory requirements such as KYC, GDPR, Accredited Investor rules etc.

Claims should not kept on-chain sine in most cases it is both dangerous and in some cases its illegal (as per GDPR) to record identity claims containing PII on immutable ledger.

This format allows reusable off-chain Verifiable Claims to be cheaply issued to users, who can present them when needed.


What are claims?

Issuers makes the claim that Subject is something or has some attribute and value

Bare minimum claim

struct [CLAIM TYPE] {
    address subject;
    uint256 validFrom;
    uint256 validTo;