hyperspy / rosettasciio

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Getting livetime information from single pixels in Bruker M4 Tornado bcf files #240

Closed AbaPanu closed 4 months ago

AbaPanu commented 4 months ago

Hello again!

In issue hyperspy/hyperspy#3324 and hyperspy/rosettasciio#241 I described what I anticipate to do with the sumspectra of non-rectangular ROIs (list of xy coordinates of pixels) from µXRF bcf hypermaps of different sizes. Now that this works approximately, I need to get the livetime information from all individual pixels in a ROI in order to estimate a counts/s for the sumspectrum (otherwise I can´t quantify them). The issue is somewhat old (https://github.com/hyperspy/rosettasciio/issues/239) but I could not figure out if it was ever resolved properly.

Here is what I know so far: a) the bcf files contain the information of REALTIME and LIVETIME per pixel (how and where exactly I don't know). b) if I produce a sumspectrum (spx or emsa/msa) in the Tornado M4 software the information is used when summing up spectra with variable livetime and hence corrects count/s (in µXRF live and deadtime are mainly influenced by the presence or absence of heavier elements in the analysed material). c) when opening those spectra from b) in hyperspy both real- and livetime appear in the file header information. Sumspectra produced in hyperspy on the same bcf files do not contain any information about live- or realtime.

Context: I want to produce bulk rock compositions for my ROIs (which contain different silicate minerals), I need the information per pixel in order not to overestimate the counts on phases containing e.g. high iron concentrations (which creates quite high counts but also high deadtimes).


ericpre commented 4 months ago

hyperspy/hyperspy#239 hasn't been resolved, closing this issue in favour of keeping a single issue on this topic: hyperspy/hyperspy#239.

If you want the lifetime per pixel, you will need to use the information available in hyperspy/hyperspy#239. This issue is slate but it you can help with fixing it, you may be able to revive and get it sorted out for good!