hypertidy / whatarelief

obtain raster data
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messaging when no data obtained #9

Open mdsumner opened 1 year ago

mdsumner commented 1 year ago

this for example, a url created by {mapSpain}, is a perfectly good dsn on its own

#custom_wms <- esp_make_provider(
#  id = "an_id_for_caching",
 # q = "https://idecyl.jcyl.es/geoserver/ge/wms?",
 # service = "WMS",
 # layers = "geolog_cyl_litologia"

wms <- "https://idecyl.jcyl.es/geoserver/ge/wms?request=GetMap&service=WMS&version=1.0.0&format=image/png&layers=geolog_cyl_litologia&styles=&srs=EPSG:3857"

# but, gets no data unless we specify 'resample = near'
 x <- imagery(source = custom_wms$q, extent = c(-8, -1, 39, 43), projection = "OGC:CRS84", resample = "near")

or maybe, imagery shouldn't default to resampling - check with outcome of GDAL issue warp issue with traversal of anti-meridian #7019