hypery2k / cordova-email-plugin

Edit and send email messages
Apache License 2.0
44 stars 29 forks source link

It doesn't set the body on the mail app in android. #50

Closed mobilestar2015 closed 7 years ago

mobilestar2015 commented 7 years ago

When I set pre-defined body, it works on ios but not on android. Here's my code: EmailComposer.isAvailable().then((available: boolean) =>{ let email = { app: 'mailto', subject: this.card.title, body: this.card.toHtml(true), isHtml: true }; EmailComposer.open(email).then((value) => { console.log("Success:" + value); }).catch((reason) => { console.log("Fail:" + reason); }); }).catch(reason => { console.log(reason); });

Note that I am using Ionic2 framework. Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks.