hyphacoop / distributed-press-organizing

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Communications #107

Open maisutton opened 6 months ago

maisutton commented 6 months ago

Comms Pipeline

Social Media Posts


Comms Channels

maisutton commented 6 months ago
sutty-coop commented 5 months ago

In our reverse timeline, we estimated: | -7 | Product offering page is published (Feb 2nd)

@maisutton in case you want to add this to the Pipeline, and/or change the deadline

sutty-coop commented 4 months ago

@maisutton regarding the Distributed Press Offerings, we have added comments and edited a few lines in this document you sent: https://hackmd.io/GL376L6FRGKc0IHkSuzNfw?edit I've also found another similar document when reviewing issues: https://hackmd.io/QMBk2PELQ5ONIJta3bAJSw?edit Don't know if you planned to take a bit from both or else, just noticed that and letting you know just in case!

akhileshthite commented 4 months ago

@maisutton As per the TODO, I've simplified the language and changed the order. Also, made some comments. https://hackmd.io/GL376L6FRGKc0IHkSuzNfw?both=

sutty-coop commented 4 months ago

Ania is drafting the PIECES: Announcement of #101 https://github.com/hyphacoop/distributed-press-organizing/issues/102 https://github.com/hyphacoop/distributed-press-organizing/issues/103 releases

sutty-coop commented 4 months ago

Texts available here:

102 https://hackmd.io/8SfCQUT5T0iYPIqtr-4-FQ?view -- EN ready with images ✔ WIP translating to Spanish 🛑 101 https://hackmd.io/ScgfyUX5SFm5KOpz65nEWw?view -- EN ready with images ✔ WIP translation to Spanish 🛑 104 https://hackmd.io/q8HOqiCZTz2BH-9VsST78Q -- translated to Spanish ✔ WIP adding images

We'll wait until the specs is polished 👇 103 https://hackmd.io/4_5xZFnpTYivsU7WC6JFsA?view

These are announcement of releases. Simple and straightforward pieces, for people in the “TL:DR” vibe. There’s a short sentence in the beginning of each announcement, emphasizing on the mission of DP, incorporating by Ben, Akhi, Mauve when talking about the X factor, etc. We could improve it. Then, the announcement. Finally, a section when we repeat “🕸️What you can already do with Distributed Press:” in case they are coming across this text for the first time and don’t knot the rest of the project. I know it’s repetitive, but it could be a strategy.

sutty-coop commented 4 months ago
sutty-coop commented 3 months ago

Graphic pieces produced for this milestone (thanks to Librenauta from Sutty for the original images!)

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image


sutty-coop commented 2 months ago

April 19th: Moderation queue release.

  1. Post in DP blog + fediverse reflection a) Turn on Fediverse publishing for DP blog (distributed.press/blog) b) Post this piece in English https://hackmd.io/q8HOqiCZTz2BH-9VsST78Q c) Retoot through Compost, Sutty, Hypha and personal accounts

  2. Post in X @dwebpress a) Create a square sized set of images saying:

Social media is exhausting (and problematic!). But websites aren't enough for outreach. We are creating tools that gather the best of both platforms, away from Big Tech. Join Distributed.Press and use our free tools to share your content with alternative publishing models.

Image Image Image

Get distributed! Find our tools and newest releases here: https://distributed.press/

b) Then post a thread of tweets with the information of this piece: https://hackmd.io/q8HOqiCZTz2BH-9VsST78Q c) Ask for reposts from Compost, Suttym Hypha, FFDW, etc

writerly03 commented 2 months ago

Hey Ania - this looks like a good plan to me. I like the messaging for X; I think it's fine to post it there as a 'come follow us elsewhere' message, but obviously up to the rest of the team. Do we use Bluesky? Maybe another less awful but more mainstream option?

sutty-coop commented 2 months ago

Hey Ania - this looks like a good plan to me. I like the messaging for X; I think it's fine to post it there as a 'come follow us elsewhere' message, but obviously up to the rest of the team. Do we use Bluesky? Maybe another less awful but more mainstream option?

Yes, there is a Bluesky account, but I think that we haven't had activity there yet, I'm not familiar with Bluesky yet but I can catch up. I'll ask Mai for the password and start replicating things there

RangerMauve commented 2 months ago

+1 to posting to bsy. There's folks on there that might be curious about our approach and TBH I would be happy to integrate with bsky once they actually open up federation outside their walled garden.

RangerMauve commented 2 months ago

Oh sorry misread, I'm not against posting on X but mayb e we could lock the thread so we don't need to worry about comments and just use it for retweets/showing up in timelines?