hyphacoop / organizing

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Plan lite-touch holiday party #378

Closed dcwalk closed 3 years ago

dcwalk commented 3 years ago

This initial comment is collaborative and open to modification by all.

Task Summary

🎟️ Re-ticketed from: #
🗣 Loomio: N/A
📅 Due date: Q4 2020 🎯 Success criteria: Have a holiday party.

Discussed at all hands and 2020-11-26 Opa meeting:

Sun, Dec 13 4-6:30pm ET [UTC-05]

To Do

dcwalk commented 3 years ago

Miro board + discord: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lcu-U58=/

patcon commented 3 years ago

Invite list: :lock: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vj5g2S7vQhLHNYt5XD9qfpb_D60aGlcEYubwlodqXUY/edit#gid=0

Planning doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XcdJ0qivHc8gmwxx7CbREq_0VstvxCROIXT44GkcPC4/edit#heading=h.ld18hdmf7bei

dcwalk commented 3 years ago

We've planned this! invites sent! Just gotta show up! I'm closing for some year-end clean up vibes