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Finance: check that all accounts and practices are current #499

Closed writerly03 closed 7 months ago

writerly03 commented 2 years ago

Review and update the page if needed

benhylau commented 2 years ago

Wrote up something for quarterly bookkeeping. Put into Finance or Guide later:

## Quarterly bookkeeping preparation

1. Download monthly bank and visa statements from the [bank][bank]
2. Download payroll registers and posting journals from [Wagepoint][wagepoint]
3. Ensure that [finance-snapshots][finance-snapshots] has up to date sheets for the quarter
4. Ensure [Quickbooks][quickbooks] has their bank account syncs active (Wise accounts need 2FA approval from Benedict)
5. Email our bookkeeper to initiate quarterly bookkeeping

| Statement         | Download from          | Upload to                                                  |
| Bank Statements   | [bank][bank]           | [finance-statements-bank][finance-statements-bank] 🔒       |
| Visa Statements   | [bank][bank]           | [finance-statements-bank][finance-statements-bank] 🔒       |
| Payroll Registers | [Wagepoint][wagepoint] | [finance-statements-payroll][finance-statements-payroll] 🔒 |
| Posting Journals  | [Wagepoint][wagepoint] | [finance-statements-payroll][finance-statements-payroll] 🔒 |

[bank]: https://link.hypha.coop/bank
[wagepoint]: https://link.hypha.coop/wagepoint
[quickbooks]: https://link.hypha.coop/qb
[finance-statements-bank]: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/11xgKvAU0iXHgfeGAp515EoncQkJsmbxd
[finance-statements-payroll]: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/13ZFnCm0kFLFfvHc83mDiYX5HkE9r0piT
[finance-snapshots]: https://link.hypha.coop/finance-snapshots