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Choose whether assignment is course, section, or group #1309

Open chrisshaw opened 2 years ago

chrisshaw commented 2 years ago

As a teacher creating an assignment, I want to control the kind of grouping that occurs for assignments, so I don't get confused but hidden defaults that don't work with my course.


(Proposed experience. Just a quick mock-up.)

Sections and Groups are exclusive options for the same setting. The following communicates what is happening




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chrisshaw commented 2 years ago

Issue was linked to Harvestr Discovery: Choose whether this assignment is course, section, or group

chrisshaw commented 2 years ago

@seanh @marcospri What are the implications on student submissions and Speedgrader for this? Let's say we've completed #1276 so now you have grouping at the course level. Now let's say I turn on Sections in the instance.

I as a teacher then configure an assignment for the course. I go to grade. What groups do I see? Ideally, I'd see the course group selected.

Now I create an assignment for sections. I go to grade. What groups do I see? Ideally I'd flip through the students, and they'd automatically be opened in the section group.

What if I go back to an old assignment, before I enabled Sections in the instance. I go to grade. What groups do I see? Ideally, I see the course group, because that's what it was originally.

Similarly I am operating under the assumption that student groups will similarly to how they do for groups. Whatever groups were configured for the assignment are the ones I see at a student. But perhaps that's not true either? If the "default" group is now the course, and a student opens an assignment configured for sections, will the assignment be smart enough to know it needs to open in the section group?

Do we need an intermediate card dedicated to, "When I enable sections mid-semester, nothing immediately changes on me and I can keep creating groups in the "default" course group" (effectively hiding the Sections feature)?

chrisshaw commented 2 years ago

Some notes while talking with @seanh :

chrisshaw commented 2 years ago

Questions to answer next