Open mkdir-washington-edu opened 1 year ago
Second ticket: (BB Original)
A possibly-related complaint:
I am currently using Blackboard Ultra and I have noticed that if my student does not actually open the assignment they are exempt from the assignment. Meaning I cannot override the grade to be zero for not doing the assignment. Is there anything I can do to get my gradebook straightened out for I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if I need to expound on my issue. Thanks
This sounds like a BB setting, but it might be worth investigating how we interact with this setting. I'll update if I can learn more.
Maybe part of a larger project where we handle non-Canvas grading better. Generating submissions, etc.
Related ticket:
Feature Request Form
Problem you are trying to address with this feature
Currently (AFAIK) Hypothesis does not generate an LMS submission when there's a grade in the gradebook for that user. We're seeing a recurring problem in Blackboard Ultra when courses are set up to give automatic zeroes when a student hasn't made any submissions by the due date.
Instructors have asked us for ways to allow submissions after the due date so that they can adjust a student's grade once they submit late, using the grading bar to do so. It's not uncommon for instructors to want to give grades for late submissions, though I think we currently avoid creating these submissions to keep LMSs from displaying re-grading prompts when students continue discussions after a given due date.
While we've only seen this in BB Ultra so far, it looks like Canvas has a similar auto-zero feature.