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Youtube URL BUG #1498

Closed Facni closed 6 months ago

Facni commented 1 year ago

Bug report form

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a youtube video that you didn't annotate yet.
  2. Try refreshing the page sometimes until the number of hypothesis extension or bookmarklet notifications be high
  3. Annotate
  4. Open your personal hypothesis page and see that the annotation is on Youtube.com/

Expected behaviour

The link of the video should be there not the youtube home page.

Browser/system information

Browser Firefox / Chrome (I tried in both) Windows 11 Firefox: Bookmarklet and Unofficial Hypothesis extension Chrome: Extension and bookmarklet Sorry for mi english, I am not native.

robertknight commented 1 year ago

Try refreshing the page sometimes until the number of hypothesis extension or bookmarklet notifications be high

This is odd. The number shown on the Hypothesis extension icon depends only on the URL. Is the URL changing in any way when you refresh the page?

There is a known issue with YouTube where if you land on one page, and then navigate to another using links within the YouTube UI, it doesn't update some parts of the page and this confuses Hypothesis (specifically the <link rel=canonical> metadata).