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Renew 1EdTech LTI 1.3 Advantage Certification #1515

Closed nairiboo closed 11 months ago

nairiboo commented 11 months ago

Our 1EdTech LTI 1.3 Advantage Certification has lapsed.

Background Info

Here is the Notion doc from when we first did this. This one also seems relevant. 1EdTech looks like they require recertification annually, so this should probably be baked into a Product schedule moving forward.

Your registration number is: IMSD2C6C25hs2022W1

Your product listing is available at: https://site.imsglobal.org/certifications/hypothesis/hypothesis

IMS Certification is valid for one year at which time you will be required to recertify in accordance with IMS policy defined in the attached.

Looks like to recertify we need to submit everything again w I have this document here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FQ06m55RDmHH0mnEpSN9ArqBformfdc4fH2tWy9PgQY/edit#heading=h.ajrhv5fsw2st with the steps I followed last time I'll follow that again, update anything necessary on the document and update back here.