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Investigate the best name for the VitalSource button in the document picker #1544

Open mkdir-washington-edu opened 1 week ago

mkdir-washington-edu commented 1 week ago

From prod sync 06/18: https://www.notion.so/Product-Sync-06-18-4cabb4cd213a4c5ea512cfa4d36459df?pvs=4#b30229eaeb954b30bb020898ea99920b

MD to investigate the best name to use as a fallback name.

VS conversation kicked off here: https://vitalsource.slack.com/archives/C01208U1A2F/p1718807416668509

Engineering task here: https://github.com/hypothesis/product-backlog/issues/1543

Additional research to come in the comments.

mkdir-washington-edu commented 1 week ago

From Nick @ VS:

we do allow schools to brand their Bookshelf (the same way we have a Hypothesis brand) but I would say most of the time they don’t customize the reader itself much. it gets confusing if you do that then go tell students to download Bookshelf in the app store for their iPad, etc. the schools typically do have a name for their overall course materials program (Immediate Access ONE, TOTAL Access, Instant Access Program), but if you poke around those kinds of FAQs for references to books you mostly see “digital textbooks” “eTextbooks” or Bookshelf. I think it might be confusing to reference the overall program or the bookstore’s name because they also deliver courseware and other non-Bookshelf products Bookshelf as a fallback with the option for schools to customize makes sense to me

mkdir-washington-edu commented 6 days ago

Some additional notes on the "bookshelf" name

Searching for "bookshelf" digital product names, I get a VS video on the second page of Google's results.

"Bookshelf" is all over VitalSource's home page.

Other options from their pages might be: