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When a student joins a course late have a temporary pill, like "ADD", added to their name #1566

Open mkdir-washington-edu opened 2 months ago

mkdir-washington-edu commented 2 months ago

When a student has newly joined a course, possibly after the course start date, it might be confusing to an instructor for their name to appear in an Assignment View list when they do not have a presence in prior assignments. In this instance the student should get a pill marked "ADD" next to their name the next time the instructor visits that view. The pill can disappear in subsequent viewings of that and other Assignment Views.

In courses with multiple instructors it would help to have this pill appear per instructor, instead of once across all instructors.

If the above is not feasible, then having the "ADD" pill appear and remain over just the first assignment the student completed after being added to the course roster may also be a solution for this issue.

https://www.figma.com/design/ctCnzwkAyYArSNBYEshiCm/Hypothesis---LMS-Assignment-Grading?node-id=1981-147&node-type=frame&t=2glOU2BbRbz3PmxP-0 Image

mkdir-washington-edu commented 2 months ago

Add to rostering?