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Create printable version of document with annotations #21

Open robertknight opened 7 years ago

robertknight commented 7 years ago

If creating a new Feature Request use this form, and delete the Bug Report Form above

Fields Your Response
Link to Zendesk ticket: https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/412
User Name/Company: Dhawal Joharapurkar
Is this from a client (paid user): No
What problem is the user trying to solve?
What is the feature the user is requesting? They would like to have a printed version of an annotated document. That is, they would like to be able to print the original document and clearly see which sections were highlighted in Hypothesis along with the comments made by annotators (eg. as an appendix at the end of the document)
klemay commented 6 years ago

Other mentions of this within the org:

User requests from Zendesk:

mkdir-washington-edu commented 4 years ago

Other requests: https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/6235 https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/7190 https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/7244 https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/12944

hendursaga commented 7 months ago

Is there a particular reason why the yellow highlights are not showing up when I print a webpage? If I save the page, I can see hypothesis-highlight and other nodes throughout.

robertknight commented 7 months ago

Printing in browsers often skips various "background graphics", which can include the highlights that Hypothesis draws. If your browser has an option to enable printing of background graphics, this may solve the issue.

hendursaga commented 6 months ago

@robertknight unfortunately, that also means that the Hypothesis sidebar and potentially other undesirable artifacts gets printed along with the highlights...

robertknight commented 6 months ago

It looks like we might be able to address non-printing of highlights with print-color-adjust: exact in modern browsers. This in theory should enable printing of highlights without turning on printing of all background graphics on the page.