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Investigate how to support internationalization in the Hypothesis client #324

Open robertknight opened 7 years ago

robertknight commented 7 years ago

Problem you are trying to address with this feature

Your solution

We'll need to investigate the various options available for handling i18n (including translation) in the client, across both the annotator layer and the sidebar application and figure out the workflows involved.

Things we'll need to support:

Things we'll need to figure out:

Tools we might want to look into:

klemay commented 6 years ago

Request for French via Zendesk: https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/2208

klemay commented 6 years ago

Comment in Chrome store:

Is it possible to include a word translation dictionary for the extension? I use another extension, but it "fights" for space and it becomes difficult to click on the correct icon.

klemay commented 6 years ago

From Zendesk:

I am exploring using Hypothes.is for social reading of an Arabic language PDF (with right-to-left text). I've noticed that the selection feature has difficulty selecting words here - it seems that it want to interpret my selection as if it were a left-to-right text. Is there any way to set the language direction preferences for selection with Hypothes.is?

We may want to add "right-to-left text highlighting" to the list of things to support.

renehamburger commented 5 years ago

Is internationalisation (i18n) of your client on your roadmap? It seems to be a prerequisite for publishers embedding the client on their non-English site.

I've used https://github.com/i18next/ng-i18next in the past. It's an i18n-framework for AngularJS that's easy to set-up and pretty small.

You'd probably want to include a json for English strings in your client to prevent the need to load a second resource. For all other languages a json could be loaded from your site or a CDN.

The AngularJS date filter already supports localisation.

mkdir-washington-edu commented 5 years ago

Offer for English -> Spanish client translation once above work is done: https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/6154

AndrewJudson commented 4 years ago

Is this still on the roadmap? what can other people do to help?

klemay commented 4 years ago

@AndrewJudson it's still a long-term goal, though I can say that we're currently doing some refactoring work on our client that will make projects like this one much easier. We have several offers for help with an English -> Spanish translation once we do get to this, and if you'd be able to help with any other languages it'd be great to note that here so we can reach out in the future!

mkdir-washington-edu commented 4 years ago

Request for Japanese: https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/13906

caasi commented 4 years ago

@mkdir-washington-edu I can't access this page. Is it a private link?

截圖 2020-09-24 上午10 00 56
mkdir-washington-edu commented 4 years ago

@caasi If you mean the zendesk link, yes.

mkdir-washington-edu commented 3 years ago

Request for Spanish: https://app.hubspot.com/contacts/6291320/ticket/371939850/

mkdir-washington-edu commented 3 years ago

Request and offer for help translating to Turkish: https://app.hubspot.com/contacts/6291320/company/2820123802?engagement=13691581615

mkdir-washington-edu commented 3 years ago

Spanish: https://app.hubspot.com/contacts/6291320/ticket/538683522/

mkdir-washington-edu commented 2 years ago

For help with French: https://app.hubspot.com/contacts/6291320/contact/33257951

almereyda commented 1 year ago

including what happens when we release new client versions that add new strings that need to be translated

A common pattern for this case is to fall back to the primary language (English) for the strings only which have not yet been translated.

We may want to add "right-to-left text highlighting" to the list of things to support.

At some point support for CJK languages might also become useful. These also involve changes to search for supporting a suitable tokenizer.

janraev commented 7 months ago

Additional customer request: https://app.hubspot.com/contacts/6291320/record/0-5/2347895213