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Add business information to the database (for searches, importing to HubSpot, etc.) #191

Closed mkdir-washington-edu closed 1 year ago

mkdir-washington-edu commented 3 years ago

Request There are types of business information that we need internally in order to better serve our partner institutions. This information can be manually entered into a CRM, but for certain types of information it's more efficient to have the information calculated and available in the database than entering it manually in a CRM.

For example, there are several types of Canvas install. You could have:

Future product offerings will increase this complexity, with Groups availability in Canvas, to file and group access in other LMSs, etc.

It can be difficult for our team to track what internal decisions a school made when installing. Here's an example of a school where one instructor definitely doesn't have Canvas Sections access, the Canvas admin says they want to wait to upgrade until the semester break before upgrading to the Sections integration, and a different instructor claims to have used the Sections integration successfully this current semester.

klemay commented 3 years ago


A couple notes:

mkdir-washington-edu commented 3 years ago

Can you tell me more about the value of having this stored in the Db and then sent to the CRM, rather than storing in the CRM in the first place?

It can be difficult to parse what is happening install-wise at an institution, and manually entering this in the CRM for every partner school isn't going to scale. The complexity is also going to get worse as we build more features for more LMSs. Even without knowing whether we're installed at the course, sub-account, or account level in Canvas, here are the different install scenarios we encounter.

For courses with a group creation date within a certain time frame (meaning courses that are probably used in the current semester/quarter):

Looking ahead:

Once the API integration with Groups has been built we can expect to see the same scenarios we see with Sections:

I hope the list of present scenarios and future scenarios (as we build more features) makes it more apparent why we can't do stop to figure this out for every partner institution, especially as institutions may change their installs (by generating a new Key/Secret after new feature are created) without telling us.

mkdir-washington-edu commented 3 years ago

Exactly which data points would be needed? You helpfully listed out some for Canvas, but we would need a full picture of the type of data the team would expect to see in the Db.

I hope the list above spells that out. The data needs are only going to grow as we build new features.

If we're able to collect some but not all of the desired data, would the team keeping track of what's automatic vs what needs to be manual be workable?

I think everything in the above list can be tracked automatically. The goal would be to not have any manual tracking of this data.

Sections vs no Sections is already noted in the Db

It can be time consuming to pull this up every time it's needed, and more importantly it's difficult to tell when we run into scenarios where it's enabled for some courses and not others.

The example school I link to also shows where we can't rely on LMS admins to tell us for sure whether or not Sections is enabled.

I didn't think it was currently possible to disable Files access with the Canvas Dev Key. The only way a school should have no Files access is if they don't have a Canvas Dev Key associated with their install. I thought disabling any part of a Canvas dev key which is used by our app would cause the app to crash (I believe that's a limitation of the Canvas API). Am I wrong here?

It is not currently possible. We've received requests to make this possible (for Files and/or GDrive) and have an issue (linked in the scenario list) to do this work. I anticipate we'll get more requests for this once we've enabled OneDrive since at that point OneDrive schools will want to cut off instructor personal GDrive or Files access.

mkdir-washington-edu commented 3 years ago

Making a note for when I can get back to this. It would also be really helpful to have an in-database way to distinguish piloting, paid, and free partners. It's frustrating to try and run analytics without this information.

mkdir-washington-edu commented 1 year ago

Much of the above is handled now either in our LMS or by the data pushed from our DB to our LMS. In addition we're making more improvements to available internal data. I on longer this this issue is relevant and am closing.