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More aggressive per-tab-activation defaults for H itself, and for Show Annotations? #183

Open judell opened 9 years ago

judell commented 9 years ago

Currently H is inactive by default on a per-tab basis. When I open an URL in a tab and activate H, Show Annotations is inactive by default. So that's 2 clicks just to see annotations on the page.


  1. What are reasons to keep H inactive by default?
  2. What are reasons to keep Show Annotations inactive by default?
dwhly commented 9 years ago

What are reasons to keep Show Annotations inactive by default?

Show annotations should be on by default w/ the extension and via. (Talked about this w/ @judell, he thinks he might have found a bug)

tilgovi commented 9 years ago

"H" inactive by default is something we should reconsider. I think the biggest concerns are performance and UI weight. If we can improve both I'd be more than happy to be on by default. Right now I'd uninstall this thing if it were active by default because of both issues.

judell commented 9 years ago

I found my problem with Show Annotations. Because the difference between the active and inactive states is subtle, I was relying on the tooltip as an indicator. But it never changes! I would expect if the feature is inactive it would say Show Annotations and if active would say Hide Annotations.

Related: I think it really means Show Annotation Highlights (or Hide Annotation Highlights) because the buckets, which are another way of showing annotations, are always there if the product is active.

csillag commented 9 years ago

Related: I think it really means Show Annotation Highlights (or Hide Annotation Highlights) because the buckets, which are another way of showing annotations, are always there if the product is active.

+1. (Also, the sidebar can be opened in either state, which also shows the annotations.)

A few alternative wordings to consider:

judell commented 9 years ago

"Right now I'd uninstall this thing if it were active by default because of both issues."

Me too and this is a crucial point. The mission of this product is not only to enable annotation, but to alert people to the existence of annotations on pages they visit. The ClimateFeedback idea, for example, depends on that.

We've already talked a bit about demand-loading the product in stages. I will now argue that stage 0 is an always-on annotation detector, lightweight because no UI and fast because just one API call. If and only if it detects annotations it launches the viewer -- or, better, a lightweight annotation summarizer that in turn can open the full viewer.

judell commented 9 years ago

Related to more aggressive activation, here is an experimental version of the bookmarklet that auto-opens the frame: https://gist.github.com/judell/4e074a239ac3aacdeb3d.

tilgovi commented 9 years ago

I feel like it's come up a few times when I've tried integrations where it's very useful to know when the embed code has loaded. Should the config object returned from hypothesisConfig support a ready callback?

judell commented 9 years ago

Would be nice!