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iframe share code. #186

Open jgmac1106 opened 9 years ago

jgmac1106 commented 9 years ago

Would save me some time if I could choose between the url and an iframe when I click on share.

Will also be helpful for less savvy users.

BigBlueHat commented 9 years ago

@judell looks like a :+1: for hiding the search / login links on annotation URLs when requested in an iframe--which would probably take a query param like ?navbar=false or some such.

@JakeHartnell once we can hide the search and/or login link, it would be great to give folks some copy-paste-able iframe code in the share palette.

@jgmac1106 FWIW, it is possible to use those URLs inside an iframe...there'll just be some extra "cruft" that makes it look a bit odd in that context. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :gift: :thought_balloon:

KristinaFitz commented 7 years ago

I like the iframe idea. I do product review, affiliate sites and blogs. I would love to let my public see a peer reviewed study I reference with the annotations. Oof, can they see the annotations if they aren't signed up? (within an iframe) So much to learn and explore!