hypothesis / vision

Envisioning the future of the Hypothesis.
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Manage user expectations when functionality must degrade #190

Open judell opened 9 years ago

judell commented 9 years ago

From https://github.com/hypothesis/h/issues/2188


Obviously there are many more cases to be enumerated. I don't mind doing so here if that's OK, or in a separate linked doc if necessary.

jgmac1106 commented 9 years ago

If you are a GAFE school you would probably just use the comment within GDocs to annotate. Long term what would be better is a Native GDoc add-on that left a comment in GDocs while exporting to the Stream.

Not even sure if that is possible but there are many options available in GDocs (the comment feature, Kaizena, etc). If Hypothesi.is were to have any use I think it would have to be an add-on.