hypothesis / vision

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Social Media Sharing #213

Open KristinaFitz opened 7 years ago

KristinaFitz commented 7 years ago


I can only share one link in a post on facebook and have the image pop up and for it to look "pretty". When I use your amazing "share comment" button it is one ugly link :) Perhaps I am not sharing from the right place....? Perhaps this is the only way? For now, I would invision at least a.. catchy image, link your logo and a mini explanation. ex. Hyp.is logo "fact checking made possible by open annotation" (as opposed to the red background type image) .. Just thoughts. or.. even just your logo...


This annotation comment link is to an article on police brutality... All you can tell is I commented on -something- And it doesn't even show my comment, but thats ok..

Now, when I share using the button in the top right of the hyp bar..


TADA! This is what I get when I hit the top right share button in my sidebar. I then opened firefox and copy pasted that share link via fb.. Interesting that the annotations also showed up. A dream come true. I don't think I will ever share another way!

I must have downloaded the firefox plugin before you moved to chrome? .. Folks on the chrome app reviews have been asking why not or where is the firefox plug in fyi. -


OMG.. You guys are rockstars. I used the hyp link in internet explorer where I KNOW Im not logged in and have never installed a plug in and it's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! Just wow. My only critique now would be it shows the article but mentions nothing of the fact that hypothes.is is going to pop up on the other side.. That's such a tall order though and not necessarily crucial imho.

BULLSHIT DETECTOR I am an avid social media sharer. I would like to be able to bring integrity and Hyp.is to facebook. My posts have recently lacked integrity to say the least. It takes me hours to weed through comments of that one smart guy that was kind enough to come along and cry "bullshit"... I network with people that are "in the know" but I can't tag them in every post that I want them to fact check or that contains false info. Now I realize I can share in such a way that they will SEE the annotator, awesome. I guess it is up to me to call upon experts to call bullshit. I can say "I snopesed this article and it is bs." In my text portion of my post. Then I can annotate a link to SNOPES or a study that debunks etc... So cool. I do dream of a "red flag" that pops up on my hyp sidebar if x amount of folks say ... bullshit.


Is there a hash tag you all would like me to use or that you specifically recommend? Let's say I'm on a fact checking, back linking binge, and/or I want to search fb for other -bullshit detected- articles and memes? #hypothes.is #bullshit #debunked #hyp.is #snopes #false #redflag ..... I am using #hypothesis for now if you want to peruse my post, shares and the way folks interact..

FALSE MEMES: I am noticing image recognition being a possible annotation 'root source'. I dream to instantly see if snopes or a reputable annotator has busted a meme or phrase. And that I'm just scrolling along my newsfeed.. Bling, a little red flag or green flag pops up next to the post/meme, or hyp rolls on the side of my window and "detects" false memes (even better false article, or articles with x incongruities or lies. As I am "fed" them on my feed.. Tall order I know.

For now, is it even possible to annotate memes? (Not a huge deal but would be great!)

regarding plug in logo

IMHO - this logo should have an h. in it... I couldn't tell which one was hypothes.is because i use a lot of apps.. That's on me though..


I'm new here and I dream big. I hope you don't mind my sharing this extensive, user experience. My vision is the Meme since you made all my other dreams come true! #hypothesis #rocks ;)

KristinaFitz commented 7 years ago

Facebook just restricted me from "open graph".. Posts?! Is it because I have been using hypothes.is to share? I was posting a video debunking a trick amendment getting oushed through in FL, on a huffpost article when it logged me out and alerted me. Im confused.

KristinaFitz commented 7 years ago

I am going to do another test run of sharing via your links on social media and see if I get blocked/suspended again. I'll make the shares a bit more light-hearted this time :) Loving this!