hypothesis / vision

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Annotations stored in hypothes.is server could be searched with Searx #221

Open jibe-b opened 6 years ago

jibe-b commented 6 years ago

Searx is a meta search engine that passes queries to various indexes, including mainstream ones as well as scientific publications indexing. Source code and doc is at http://github.com/asciimo/searx

Hypothes.is could be a source index. It would give visibility to hypothes.is as users see which index returned the results.

For the moment, there is no "tab" (like general, science or videos) that would be specific enough for annotations. Any suggestion about this? I wonder how to combine with Publons for example: should there be a "annotations & reviews" tab? This would give visibility to the process of annotations. Otherwise, Publons would fall to the science tab.

Another point is that a Searx instance may use an API key but with severals users passing requests through the same API key. Indeed, the traffic has to stay reasonnable. Does it as the end fit with your policy?

Looking forward to reading your answer and hopefully write the engine asap!