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Copy Editing Workflows #50

Open JakeHartnell opened 10 years ago

JakeHartnell commented 10 years ago

Annotation is essential to collaboration in the authoring, editing and review of documents. We’re building tools to support these activities.

Some specific things that I feel could fall under this category:

Any others come to mind?

dwhly commented 10 years ago

I think integrating with CMSs is an important final piece. This feels like something that should have a standardized API or for which perhaps there are already conventions we could leverage. I know you've mentioned this above as part of the tags-- but it feels like its own line item to me.

With a CMS integration you could also add "Accept" in addition to "Resolve", where the annotation (in the context of how it was tagged) was incorporated into the source document.

tilgovi commented 10 years ago

The CMS world has never really adopted a standard API as far as I know. Atom Publishing is the closest I've seen: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5023

tilgovi commented 10 years ago

And there's the HTTP PATCH method but I've never seen it used with HTML and it's not common.

BigBlueHat commented 10 years ago

Attempts to fix the "write-side" of the Web are endless... AtomPub is one of the few that got/has any traction. Most implementers (Microsoft among them) have built on top of it.

Poetica's approach is an interesting one. It's essentially an "text-editor-as-a-service." I've seen this done via widgets (rather than a buttom + popup) where the textarea gets replaced by a custom editor + features from the service.

The other "gotcha" with many CMS's is that they don't actually have any versioning (or at best, a couple--current and preview). Enterprise CMS's have all the workflow, versioning, etc, that you could imagine...and typically drag in all the complexity that you can imagine along with it.

I'd vote we make some sane representations of our annotations available to integrators, then let them integrate. :bulb:

tilgovi commented 10 years ago

I'd vote we make some sane representations of our annotations available to integrators, then let them integrate.


BigBlueHat commented 9 years ago

@RawKStar77 & @dwhly put together a collection of thoughts on Copy-editing Workflows. Covers CMS integration, etc. Comments welcome!

klemay commented 5 years ago

From Zendesk: https://hypothesis.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/3510

I set up a private group for collecting feedback about a website. However the group is becoming unworkable because there are now too many stale annotations. As the creator of the group can I get super-user privileges. For example: