I cannot input WIFI credentials, because (in raspi-config) choosing WIFI country as well as trying to connect both output "cannot communicate with wpa_supplicant".
This is a Raspberry Pi 3, Hypriot 1.11.3.
cloud-init during boot appears to find both eth0 and wlan0.
Please have a look at https://github.com/hypriot/blog/pull/102
I've updated the FAQ to add the country setting. Without this line the WiFi won't start with recent Hypriot SD cards.
I cannot input WIFI credentials, because (in raspi-config) choosing WIFI country as well as trying to connect both output "cannot communicate with wpa_supplicant".
This is a Raspberry Pi 3, Hypriot 1.11.3.
cloud-init during boot appears to find both eth0 and wlan0.
What can I do?