hyprland-community / hyprland-autoname-workspaces

Hyprland autoname workspaces 🪟 [maintainers=@cyrinux,@maximbaz]
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[BUG] Waybar active workspace not detected when the focused window is not the active one at the program's launch #102

Open MathisP75 opened 10 months ago

MathisP75 commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug Waybar does not indicate the active workspace if there are more than 1 window opened in it and that the focused window is not the one that was focused at the moment of launching hyprland-autoname-workspaces.

Program version?


Program configuration dump? (ideally)

  "version": "1.1.9",
  "class": {
    "WebCord": "󰙯",
    "qutepreview": "",
    "wire": "󰁀",
    "krita": "",
    "libreoffice-impress": "",
    "mpv": "",
    "neomutt": "",
    "taskwarrior-tui": "",
    "chromium": "",
    ".*transmission.*": "",
    "Gimp-2.10": "",
    "vlc": "",
    "rapid-photo-downloader": "",
    "work": "",
    "zoom": "",
    "kitty": "",
    "nm-connection-editor": "",
    "kicad": "",
    "shopping": "",
    "nemo": "",
    "spotify": "",
    "wayvnc": "󰀄",
    "libreoffice-startcenter": "",
    "sandboxed-tor-browser": "",
    "swappy": "",
    "discord": "󰙯",
    "obsidian": "",
    "xplr": "",
    "firefox": "",
    "songrec": "",
    "scli": "",
    "Signal": "",
    "plexamp": "",
    "steam": "",
    "paperwork": "",
    "caprine": "󰈎",
    "virt-manager": "",
    "libreoffice-calc": "",
    "udiskie": "",
    "telegramdesktop": "",
    "org-qutebrowser-qutebrowser": "",
    "DEFAULT": "",
    "org-pwmt-zathura": "",
    "whatsapp-desktop": "",
    "streamlink-twitch-gui": "",
    "vimiv": "",
    "slack": "",
    "org.pwmt.zathura": "",
    "remote-viewer": "",
    "com.obsproject.Studio": "󰻂",
    "sun-awt-x11-xframepeer": "",
    "@Joplin/app-desktop": "󱞁",
    "code-oss": "󰨞",
    "pavucontrol": "",
    "libreoffice-writer": "",
    "thunar": "",
    "wlfreerdp": "󰀄",
    "wireshark-gtk": "",
    "eeschema": "",
    "personal": "",
    "org-ksnip-ksnip": "",
    "org-telegram-desktop": "",
    "whatsapp-nativefier-d52542": "",
    "snappergui": "",
    "vncviewer": "",
    "molotov": ""
  "class_active": {},
  "initial_class": {},
  "initial_class_active": {},
  "workspaces_name": {},
  "title_in_class": {},
  "title_in_class_active": {},
  "title_in_initial_class": {},
  "title_in_initial_class_active": {},
  "initial_title_in_class": {},
  "initial_title_in_class_active": {},
  "initial_title_in_initial_class": {},
  "initial_title_in_initial_class_active": {},
  "exclude": {},
  "format": {
    "dedup": true,
    "dedup_inactive_fullscreen": false,
    "delim": " ",
    "workspace": "{id}:{delim}{clients}",
    "workspace_empty": "{id}",
    "client": "{icon}{delim}",
    "client_fullscreen": "[{icon}]{delim}",
    "client_active": "{icon}",
    "client_dup": "{icon}{counter_sup}{delim}",
    "client_dup_active": "*{icon}*{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused_sup}",
    "client_dup_fullscreen": "[{icon}]{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused_sup}"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Launch a Waybar config with hyprland/workspaces
  2. Open 2 different windows on the same workspace, one of them being a terminal
  3. Launch hyprland-autoname-workspaces in said terminal
  4. The workspace appears to be focused in Waybar
  5. Focus the other window in that workspace
  6. Waybar does not highlight the current workspace as being active

Expected behavior

The active workspace should be highlighted no matter the focused window within it.

Linux Distro (please complete the following information):


MathisP75 commented 10 months ago

image image

cyrinux commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the report @MathisP75 I will dig into when I can, feel free to do it and make a PR if you want 😉

capsaicinoids commented 8 months ago

Still waiting for this issue to be resolved

cyrinux commented 8 months ago

Still waiting for this issue to be resolved

Feel free to fix it 🙂

Joni-Samanen commented 7 months ago

I cant seem to get the active workspace highlighting to work at all. For me, it makes no difference how many windows (clients) are opened, what workspace they are in or when they were opened (before or after hyprland-autoname-workspaces). The option seems to have no effect no matter what I do. I'll gladly help troubleshooting with this, if anyone has any ideas.

Dump: { "version": "1.1.11", "class": { "Gimp-2.10": " ", "GitHub Desktop": " ", "VSCodium": " ", "wdisplays": " ", "Tor Browser": "﨩", "zoom": " ", "discord": "󰙯 ", "Signal Beta": "󰍡 ", "slack": "", "foot": " ", "geogebra": " ", "packettracer": "", "qpdfview.local.qpdfview": " ", "DEFAULT": " ", "virt-manager": "🖥", "TeamViewer": "💻", "nextcloud": " ", "electron-mail": " ", "chat-gpt": "ﮧ ", "geany": " ", "file-roller": " ", "whatsapp-for-linux": " ", "Vmware": "🖥 ", "Chromium": " ", "/^matlab/": "ﮒ", "libreoffice-writer": " ", "Spotify": "", "vlc": " ", "Microsoft Teams - Preview": "🗪 ", "unityhub": " ", "deluge": "🧲", "Catapult": " ", "libreoffice-calc": " ", "org.keepassxc.KeePassXC": "🔑", "thunar": "📁", "mate-calc": " ", "thunderbird": " ", "steam": "" }, "class_active": {}, "initial_class": { "Firefox Beta": " ", "Unity": " ", "qpdfview": " " }, "initial_class_active": {}, "workspaces_name": {}, "title_in_class": {}, "title_in_class_active": {}, "title_in_initial_class": {}, "title_in_initial_class_active": {}, "initial_title_in_class": {}, "initial_title_in_class_active": {}, "initial_title_in_initial_class": {}, "initial_title_in_initial_class_active": {}, "exclude": { "": "^$" }, "format": { "dedup": true, "dedup_inactive_fullscreen": true, "delim": " ", "workspace": "{id}:{delim}{clients}", "workspace_empty": "{id}", "client": "{icon}", "client_fullscreen": "{icon}", "client_active": "[{icon}]", "client_dup": "{icon}{counter_sup}", "client_dup_active": "{icon}{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused_sup}", "client_dup_fullscreen": "[{icon}]{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused_sup}" } }