Open vincentaxhe opened 11 months ago
You can move and resize the window at the same time, which gives you the effect of expanding it to the opposite direction. Here's an example:
$isFloat = hyprctl activewindow | grep -q 'floating: 1'
$mpx = 20
binde = $mainMod SHIFT, H, exec, $isFloat && hyprctl --batch "dispatch resizeactive $mpx 0; dispatch moveactive -$mpx 0" || hyprctl dispatch resizeactive -$mpx 0
binde = $mainMod SHIFT, L, resizeactive, $mpx 0
binde = $mainMod SHIFT, J, resizeactive, 0 $mpx
binde = $mainMod SHIFT, K, exec, $isFloat && hyprctl --batch "dispatch resizeactive 0 $mpx; dispatch moveactive 0 -$mpx" || hyprctl dispatch resizeactive 0 -$mpx
binde = $mainMod CTRL SHIFT, L, exec, $isFloat && hyprctl --batch "dispatch resizeactive -$mpx 0; dispatch moveactive $mpx 0" || hyprctl dispatch resizeactive $mpx 0
binde = $mainMod CTRL SHIFT, H, resizeactive, -$mpx 0
binde = $mainMod CTRL SHIFT, K, resizeactive, 0 -$mpx
binde = $mainMod CTRL SHIFT, J, exec, $isFloat && hyprctl --batch "dispatch resizeactive 0 -$mpx; dispatch moveactive 0 $mpx" || hyprctl dispatch resizeactive 0 $mpx
If you want to resize both sides at the same time, then you have to move the window twice as far. Or maybe I didn't understand your issue...
I mean when the middle window is active ,resizeactive can only move the left side left or right ,not the right side,It's not about floating,though movewindow on a floating window pushes it to the the edge seems not exactly what I think about "movewindow". resizeactive only works on window boundary in the same node ,not aware of higher level node. ![Uploading 2023-12-27T01:05:45,910897430+08:00.png…]()
Ah, tiled windows... You can resize it in one direction because it's in a split. However, you can resize it in both directions if you use the mouse shortcut, so the functionality is already there, just cannot be accessed via commands (or at least I don't know how).
For gradually moving floating windows you can use moveactive
instead of movewindow
binde = $mainMod CTRL, H, moveactive, -$mpx 0
binde = $mainMod CTRL, L, moveactive, $mpx 0
binde = $mainMod CTRL, J, moveactive, 0 $mpx
binde = $mainMod CTRL, K, moveactive, 0 -$mpx
And you didn't wait for your screenshot to upload...
mouse drag can move the border ,though when there are three columns ,two of them will interact ,it will not auto balanced among three, but its enough. if only the sensitive area near border could add more px will be more convient, I usually try more than once to activiate the drag mode. How to config it without recomplie the source code, I assume no trick in it. a script about move one side border failed trigger adjacent window also in an incorrelate node to move shared boundary will solve the problem ,but I dont know if window border side can be specified and how to filter the adjacent window.
about move floating window thing, how to bind the same key, when the window is active and floating,do moveactive ,when it is tiled do movewindow,that will a bit simple.Now I have movefocus movewindow swapwindow preselect bind to J I K L with different modifiers.
I figure it out as below:
state=$(hyprctl activewindow -j |jq -r ".floating")
if [[ $1 == l ]];then
if [[ $state == true ]];then
hyprctl dispatch moveactive -30 0
elif [[ $state == false ]];then
hyprctl dispatch movewindow l
elif [[ $1 == r ]];then
if [[ $state == true ]];then
hyprctl dispatch moveactive 30 0
elif [[ $state == false ]];then
hyprctl dispatch movewindow r
elif [[ $1 == u ]];then
if [[ $state == true ]];then
hyprctl dispatch moveactive 0 -30
elif [[ $state == false ]];then
hyprctl dispatch movewindow u
elif [[ $1 == d ]];then
if [[ $state == true ]];then
hyprctl dispatch moveactive 0 30
elif [[ $state == false ]];then
hyprctl dispatch movewindow d
hyprland.conf add as below
binde = ALT SHIFT, KP_Left, exec, l
binde = ALT SHIFT, KP_Right, exec, r
binde = ALT SHIFT, KP_Up, exec, u
binde = ALT SHIFT, KP_Down, exec, d
better to replace [[ ]] with [] ,and run with dash, because every move need to query hyprctl first.
when a window in the middle ,resizewindow cannot specify sides, in bspwm when I want to expand a window, use
bspc node -z {left -30 0,bottom 0 30,top 0 -30,right 30 0}
when shrink a window usebspc node -z {right -30 0,top 0 30,bottom 0 -30,left 30 0}
,hyprland simplify it ,but I think bspwm have a more flawless strategy because firstly user determined is expand or shrink a window, but resizewindow in hyprland cannot always got what users want, there should be a sub definition to deal with resizewindow.